Praying for global concerns

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Praying for global concerns
Psalm 138 verses 6 through 8 say in the King James version of the Bible:
6 Though the LORD is on high,
Yet He regards the lowly;
But the proud He knows from afar.
7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me;
You will stretch out Your hand
Against the wrath of my enemies,
And Your right hand will save me.
8 The LORD will perfect that which concerns me;
Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever;
Do not forsake the works of Your hands.
The massive earthquake and the immediate and increasingly alarming effects on the nation of Japan have raised the global temperature in terms of anxiousness as to what will happen next and what can go wrong both there and just about anywhere else on the globe.
In terms of recourse to prayer, how much sway does one individual have on the airwaves in terms of effect, power and possible results to the prayers?
Psalm 138 attributed to David, in particular addresses this issue.
Within the psalm David humbly proclaims himself to be lowly, yet the Lord will regard his prayer or concerns within his relationship with the Lord, despite his relatively inability to do all that much as one individual about thiese concerns himself.
The context is that David was the king or ruler, yet his personal reach as to what he could do himself, did not match in any way the reach of his concerns reaching outward and onward.
The individual person praying for major world events, cannot do all that much about them on their own merits, except for a possible small and meaningful contribution in this fashion or that.
Yet their concerns for what is going on out there, the people out there, is far more widespread and vast than some of their individual concerns for their own affairs.
Yet their own affairs do cross into the affairs of others, and global affairs, particularly at the level of real concern.
From this verses, the individual prayer person, who is concerned about a happening possibly in the distance, and possible something they can't do much about, is still in proper range in asking the Lord for mighty interventions, in that, they are concerned.
In this way, the weight of your concern, of the concerns of someone else praying, have full validity as reasonable requests to the Lord to be addressed by the Lord in that they are your concerns, and the concerns of one individual count mightly in the eyes of the Lord..
Just as David had concerns that went far wider and bigger than anything he could do something about, even as King, so might your concerns.
But because they are your concerns, they are proper as the subject matter of sincere prayer and powerful prayer.
Authentic concerns of even just one individual, however small and however large or global these concerns might be, are concerns, to be brought before the Lord in power and might.
Another aspect to think about in prayer for Global concerns, is to call for help from the angels of the Lord.
How exactly they work on our behalf and what is the precise interactions with the world we see as involving angels is difficult to know.
It is of course good to be prudent about what you do know and don't say jump in dangerous situations and rely on the idea of angels beomg there to bail you out.
However, it is also prudent to recognize that angels are real, it is valid to call upon them and ask for their help and they can give help that goes way beyond anything we could dream up or imagine in terms of their might and power to bring about unimaginable realms of help.
So it is prudent to ask for the help of angels as arriving into troubled situations globally.
We see in the book of Daniel where apparently a 4th person believed to be an angel is in the fiery furnace where the three men remained impossibly unharmed.
This mysterious event is telling of the possible range of what angels might do.
One key thing is to ask Lord to send angels upon your areas of concern including global concerns.
The last verse of the psalm says,
8 The LORD will perfect that which concerns me;
Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever;
Do not forsake the works of Your hands
These concerns are the concerns of just one individual so individual concerns can be paramount in the eyes of the Lord, who will perfect that which concerns the individual prayer person, including concerns relating more widely to global affairs and the difficulties of many others, as David concludes in asking that the Lord does not forsake or withdraw from this promise, and that his hand remain upon him and his concerns.
The key then is to ask for the hand of the Lord to be upon the global situation you are concerned about, for the continued perfection of the creative actions of the Lord and his presence upon these concerns.
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