Planning An Inexpensive Get A Way For Just The Two Of You
Share: In the world we live in today with the bad economy and people trying so hard to stay
on top of their finances and hang on to their jobs, a vacation is the absolute last thing of your mind. Even though you might desperately need to take some time off and get a way, you might not have the money or the time.
For couples that have children to care for as well as themselves, this can be an even more out of reach dream. If you would really like to have at least a week end for yourselves there are ways you can fit it in even if it seems impossible.
Child care for an overnight tryst or even the whole weekend can be expensive so you will have to rely on family or friends to help you out with this one. If you have friends that have kids too, agree to swap out with them when they want to take a weekend off in the future. Grandparents can sometimes be counted on to pitch in and take the kids for a couple of days if necessary. If you can get the childcare issue solved that just leaves the money and time issues to be dealt with.
Planning in everything when you want to take time off. If you have any sick days you have not used, get with your boss and let them know how stressed you and your spouse are and that you really need the weekend off or whatever days during the week you can fit it in. A weekend get away does not necessarily have to be on the weekend. If you can get the time, then that just leaves the money issue.
It can be easier to come up with a few hundred dollars if you really put your mind to it. You might consider selling that bag of golf clubs or bikes that you never use to a pawn shop or second hand store. You could take out a payday loan, but only if you are able to pay it back when you need to. Borrowing money for an extravagant pleasure is not usually a good idea, but sometimes a break can be the best thing when you really need a little time off. If possible and you have a friend that has an apartment, perhaps work out a babysitting deal where they come to your house and you and your spouse stay at their place for a couple of days.
Planning a get a way does not have to cost a lot or be very long. What counts is the time you can spend together, not how much it costs or where you go. Take along some massage oil and some sexy lingerie and you will have everything you need to have an enjoyable time together. It might get you rested up more than you realize.
by: Michael Affleck
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