Payday Loans No Debit Card:-accomplish Your Needs Without Debit Card
Payday loans no debit card are the cash advances which provide financial assistance
to those people who do not have debit card or who do not want keep their debit card as collateral. These loans are granted to you without any hassle of collateral pledging. It is a quick and reliable option to get financial help.
These loans provide you cash aid for your small and sudden needs such as medical bill, telephone bill, school fee, car repair or planning for small vacation etc .rate of interest charged on these loans is slightly high because there is no security for the lender and its short term nature.
To apply for these loans the borrower should fulfill certain eligibility criteria such as:
1. The borrower should be permanent citizen of UK.
2. He should be having a legal age of 18 years or more.
3. He should be earning steady source of income with the minimum of 1000 per month.
4. Applicant should be working in the same organization from the past six months.
5. He should be holding a valid and active checking account which should not be more than three months old to get the borrowed amount directly in your bank.
After fulfilling all the above conditions you can apply for these loans through online mode. You just have to fill an online application form providing some personal information. The loan amount is transferred to your account within 24 hours of approval.
Payday loans no debit card help you to borrow money ranging from 100 to 1500 for the repayment tenure of 14 to 30 days. This repayment time can also be extended but extra fee is charged for this. People with bad credit record like default, arrears, late payment, bankruptcy etc can also attain cash aid from these loans. Thus payday loans no debit card provides you easy and swift cash aid at the time of financial crises.