Why You Need A Website First off owning a website isn't as big of a financial risk as it used to be. Now it only makes sense to have a website. Everyone has the Internet some use it more than they do the television or newspapers. Getting your company exposure to more people is essential to growing your business and eventually your income. How do you get your own website Buy a URL - before you do anything buying your a URL for your company is important. You want to make sure you use a URL that has your companies name and it's inexpensive to have your own URL. It costs just $10 each year to have your URL if you use Godaddy, though they sometimes have sales where it's even cheaper. Getting someone to build you a site is and option if your not computer savvy but if your computer savvy and know CSS and HTML then you can probably build your own site. I recommend you just buy a template for a site from Template Monster. They have hundreds of thousands of templates to choose from with prices rangeing from $25 to $1000s. Sign-up for a website host because when you have a website it has to be stored on a server which powers your site and makes it possible for people to see it. I recommend JustHost they are pretty inexpensive and offer great service. I have used them for a few years now and never had any problems. Submit your site to Google, Yahoo and Bing when your done adding content. About the Author: