The time has come that you want to start a business of your own
. What type of business do you want to do? What kind of things do you like to do? What are your specialties? There are a number of things to consider when running your own business. After some thought maybe it is time to run an online t-shirt business. There are a couple of different ways it can be done. Deciding which way you want to go would be the first thing to do.
When running an online t-shirt business, do you want to do all the print screening yourself? This method comes with pros and cons. For one, you are able to print any kind of shirt you want. You can make up funny sayings, create the designs you want, have any color you want. The business can be a special order type business where the customer can choose the saying and color. The down side to this is the fact you cannot print anything that is trademarked. By doing this, you are guilty of copyright infringement. Unless you have the rights to do the t-shirts, it may be a good idea to stay clear of these.
Maybe you might want your online t-shirt business to be a buy and sell type business. What you would do here would be to buy t-shirts from a supplier and sell them to a customer who places an order for them. This can be accomplished by one of two ways. Start out by buying lots of t-shirts. This will require a fair amount of space. Maybe you have a garage or storage space. It will take a fair amount of space to get this idea started. Something else to consider, would be a just in time internet t-shirt business. In this style you would basically need no space what so ever. You order in the shirts you need and send them right out to the customer. One of the main drawbacks to this type is that you are waiting to receive an order from the vendor. Depending on the size of the order, it may take a few days or more.
Or maybe another option would be to take orders and have them shipped from the vendor itself. This way requires you have no inventory at all. No extra space is required. You wouldn't need to worry how long it will take to ship the order or how much inventory to keep on hand or how long it will take to get to you. Many expenses are cut out this way.
So when you decide to start you own online t-shirt business, there are several things to consider. How do you want to do it? Do you want to print them yourself or have someone do them? Have plenty of t-shirts or not many at all? How much do you want to start out spending? All of these questions need to be answered and licenses need to be obtained depending on which way you decide to go. Just remember to check and make sure it is legal to sell the shirts before you actually start the business.