Off In The Weeds - How Investors Are Reaping Rewards In This Economy

Share: If you have been following the business and financial headlines over the past few months
, there is a good chance you are at least giving your investment holdings and the system that you use to track, analyze and advise on it an earnest second look. With value, and by value we are talking about billions of dollars, USD, evaporating every day, there is little to no wiggle room for even the slightest error or hiccup in the management of your investments.
If you are at all worried about the safety, viability or stability of your investment portfolio, especially if your holdings or funds are managed and overseen by a stock broker or a fund manager, there is one thing you should strongly consider as an alternative - trend trading systems. Trend trading systems are automated analysis programs that compile reams of data on a daily basis about the movements and machinations of the world's stock markets, using specific algorithms to track and analyze the trends that are taking place.
These trends, when read by a trend trading systems, are signals that portend particular movements in a segment of the market. Based on past performance, coupled with likely future movement, an automated trend trading system is able to offer an incredibly insightful and prescient market forecast for a specific portfolio, recommending either positive or negative growth based on the trends uncovered. There are two reasons why trend trading works.
Human Biases And Prejudices Are Removed
One of the major drawbacks to having an investment portfolio managed by a flesh and blood broker is that there is an unavoidable level of bias involved in the analysis. It is simply unavoidable. No matter how ardently a broker insists that he is free from a particular bias for one type of investment or against another, there is simply no way to eliminate it completely. Past experiences, for people, engrain biases and prejudices that cannot necessarily be overcome. People do not forget. With an automated trend trading system, this major obstacle is completely mitigated.
A Comprehensive View Of The Market Is Analyzed Constantly
With a trend trading system, an automatic computer algorithm gathers all of the relevant data on market conditions each and every day. Then, a statistical analysis is performed, and the trends that emerge are catalogued. When certain trend signals are discovered, the trend trading system delivers to clients a set of advice that can maximize the performance of a given portfolio amid the trends discovered.
Off In The Weeds - How Investors Are Reaping Rewards In This Economy
By: Tim Keeley
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