Ocean Advice With Global Exchange Vacation Club
Reposted By: Global Exchange Vacation Club
Experience The Caribbean By: Claribel RizasWhen someone mentions the Caribbean, it probably conjures up images of pure blue ocean, white sand, lush landscapes and relaxation. Indeed, this is pretty close to the truth. One of the biggest challenges when planning a trip to the Caribbean is choosing which island to visit, so here is a quick description of some of the most popular locations.Antigua: Antigua is probably the most popular island and is well served by many international and regional connections. It is also a popular port of call for cruise ships, meaning there is some great shopping available. Antigua's beaches are amongst the best in the Caribbean, with bright white sand and twinkling ocean. Unusually for such a popular tourist destination it is almost always possible to find some privacy with a little walk along the coast.Montserrat: Montserrat is one of the smaller islands and is great for those looking to get off the tourist trail and get a taste of authentic Caribbean life. Though it makes for a peaceful holiday location the lack of tourism makes itself felt in the relatively small number of hotels, bars and restaurants available, meaning those looking for a more eventful trip should probably look elsewhere. - Global Exchange Vacation ClubBermuda: The sheer range of activities available on Bermuda explains its popularity as an island choice; there are spectacular parks, nature reserves and underground cave formations just begging to be explored. If you're looking for a treat after a long day exploring there are also some fantastic bars and restaurants dotted around. The scuba diving and snorkelling here is also unsurpassed.St Vincent and the Grenadines: The St Vincent in this island's name refers to a larger forested island in the south east of the Caribbean, whilst the Grenadines are the collection of small islands or cays dotted around it. These islands are designed to be explored by boat or ferry and aren't particularly easy to fly too, though it is possible from Bermuda.Aruba: Out of all the islands Aruba is probably the one which provides the best balance between the tourist and the local. Aruba is also a popular option in Caribbean package holiday deals, meaning it's a great destination for those looking for a bargain. Aruba has exceptionally friendly locals whose charms are backed up by the islands other attractions - bars, snorkelling, beautiful beaches, sailing.When it comes to planning how you'll travel to the Caribbean there are plenty of chartered and international flights leaving from Europe (especially the UK), Canada, and from cities all over the USA. Once you're on the islands it's also easy to hop from one to another via inter island flight.The complexes of islands which comprise the Caribbean are some of the most interesting, beautiful places in the world. There is always something to explored, always something to do; no matter what you're looking for. About: With Global Exchange Vacation Club, vacation ownership is easy and affordable! Powered by RCI points, a luxury vacation exchange allows you and your family to enjoy greater flexibility, the convenience of vacation ownership and a lifetime of travel and excitement at the world's finest luxury resorts. Experience a world of adventure in the most spectacular destinations for beaches, mountains, skiing, golf, cruises, and museums, fine dining and much more. GEVC is one of the most trusted names in the vacation ownership and exchange industry. We welcome you and your family to allow us the privilege of helping you take advantage of our Global Exchange Vacation Club and start experiencing the vacation dreams you deserve! Ocean Advice With Global Exchange Vacation ClubBy: Global Exchange Vacation Club
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