Now You Can Collect the Debt That's Owed You!
Especially in these challenging economic times
, it is becoming more and more difficult for businesses to collect on all the debts that are owed them. The first instinct of such businesses is likely to call a debt collector. Sadly, a business is likely to pay a debt collector 40-60% of the amount owed on the debt if the debt is even collected. Such numbers do not add up to good business.
Rather than chasing debt which may or may not be collectible, consider trying to get what is owed to you by barter. Every company has something to offer in trade, and most would be willing (and happy!) to trade you their services in exchange for the money they owe you. In order to try to recover your debt this way, though, make sure you follow a proper procedure. First, open an account with a trade exchange. It will be the trade exchange which will open up a dialogue with the company who owes you a debt, explaining your proposition settling the debt owed for an exchange of services. The trade broker willhelp them explore ideas to help them find something to trade. Next the trade broker will sell their products and pay you in barter credits. This method can easily be used for a business or individual.
If you use a trade exchange instead of a collection agency you will save money. Instead of paying a collection agency 40%-60% of the amount owed you pay the trade exchange 10%. Not only do you save money, but you get paid on the debt that was not collectible. What a novel debt collection idea in an economy in which many companies are simply not getting what is owed to them. A simple extension of the basic barter idea can be extended all the way up the corporate ladder!
The amazing customer service department and the thousands of members are great resources for finding out how to arrange things like trade exchanges. Additionally, once you see the hundreds of barter categories, you'll want to engage in a little bartering of your own! Do you have uncollected debt sitting on your desk? Don't let it sit there a moment longer! Go out and collect it in barter trade.
Now You Can Collect the Debt That's Owed You!
By: Debbie DeSousa
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