Mtc Global Financial Services - Six Reasons To Start Investing In Mobile Content
Smartphone ownership has reached tipping point with last month's news that more than half of Britons now own a smartphone
. The UK buy more smartphones and access the web more often from our mobiles than in any other country in Europe. In fact, almost 1 in 10 visits to a website now come from non-computer devices. But despite this trend, a recent study of FTSE 100 companies found just 20% of them have a website optimized for mobile.
Accessing a full website on a mobile can make it difficult to read and many people will simply give up before they've found what they need. Without a mobile website, your content could lose its impact and your brand could suffer the consequences as mobile users think you're out of touch.
MTC Global Group - Mobile users don't have time to read
They're probably doing something else. In fact 70% of smartphone owners usually access the web while watching TV, traveling to work or shopping. Without content designed for mobile you'll struggle to grab their attention.
MTC Global Group - Mobile pays
mCommerce grew 86% in 2011 and it's expected to be worth 20 billion a year within a decade.
MTC Global Group - It's where people read their emails
Two thirds of smartphone owners access their emails on their mobile so if you're running an email marketing campaign, can you really afford not to optimize it for mobile?
MTC Global Group - Not just about Google
Mobile users find content through their app store as well as through search engines. Apps have been downloaded more than 10 billion times since the first store opened so you need to make sure you write content that will be found on these platforms too.
MTC Global Group - The blurred line between desktop and mobile
Windows 8 is widely expected to launch in 2012 with a new interface which works across tablets, mobiles and PCs. The user experience on PCs will become increasingly like browsing on a mobile, so your content needs to work across every platform.
MTC Global Group - Small screen, big pain
Last year Jakob Nielsen wrote in his report on mobile readability: "When reading from an iPhone-sized screen, comprehension scores for complex Web content were 48% of desktop monitor scores." In other words, if you want to be read and understood on the small screen, you need to cut your copy right down, write clearly and into mobile-friendly formats.
by: thomas wright
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Mtc Global Financial Services - Six Reasons To Start Investing In Mobile Content Casper