Most Global Information Network Members Missed Marketing Class 101
For the most part, many Global Information Network members are absolutely struggling to make money with the opportunity.
Truthfully, it's not just Global Information Network (GIN) folks who go through this.
It's pretty much network marketing industry standard that the majority of people trying to make it work flat out struggle.
One of the things that upsets me about MLM is that there are a lot of upline "leaders" who don't provide quality help and education to their downlines regarding what it takes to be successful.
Too many well-meaning multi-level marketers are doing exactly what their leaders tell them to do, struggling mightily and then deciding that MLM is all a big scam.
This happens primarily because the education provided in most organizations centers around techniques that are really kind of dated.
Most people, and this includes the majority of Global Information Network members, are trying to market exclusively to their "warm market". This may have been great in 1975 or 1985, but today there's a better way.
Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not saying that making a list of family and friends, using the 3-foot rule, collecting business cards, holding hotel meetings, etc doesn't work. What I am saying is that there are important online methods that must be taught and utilized in more GIN/MLM organizations.
The warm market techniques work best for someone with a large network of associates. Someone like a doctor, attorney, salesperson, real estate agent, etc can absolutely build a thriving network marketing business by using the "old" warm market methods.
This is because they have quite a few people in their warm market. In addition, their warm market leads look at them in a favorable, leadership type of way.
But, what about the guy or girl who has a limited warm market or isn't really seen in a positive light by their warm market when it comes to business? This is the person who ends up quitting after talking to Uncle Fred, Aunt Martha, and his two drinking buddies (who, of course, tell him he's crazy to try this weird Global Information Network "thing").
If what I'm saying is resonating with you...if you're a person who desperately wants to win in MLM but are simply exasperated and at a loss when it comes to seeing how you can build a successful network marketing business, understand that you CAN make this work.
All you need to do is open yourself up to the world of Internet marketing, my friend. Once you do, you'll happily discover an entire world (literally) at your fingertips. You'll find that you can begin generating one, five, twenty, even 50 leads a day that are actually targeted prospects looking for help in MLM.
Here's what you should do...commit for the next six months that you will investigate and soak up all the knowledge you possibly can about MLM Internet marketing techniques.
Learn about article marketing, video marketing, viral marketing, hub page marketing, Pay-Per-Click marketing (such as Google's AdWords program), social media marketing (such as Facebook or Twitter), forum marketing, etc.
These are "attraction marketing" methods that pull the people in to your marketing funnel that want to know more. These are people who are asking about your GIN business. If more Global Information Network members understood this, more people would be winning and enjoying much better lifestyles.
Make sure you're one of the winners. Commit now to learning how to win in GIN.
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Most Global Information Network Members Missed Marketing Class 101 Vairano Patenora