Moms: Federal Financial Assistance For College Education Now Available
Nobody ever said that being a mother is easy
Nobody ever said that being a mother is easy. It is a full time job on top of the full time employment you have outside of the home. If you are struggling making the bills, if you are barely able to afford the necessities in life, let alone the luxuries you want to provide for your children, then I have great news for you.
President Obama is encouraging mothers to return to school by increasing allocations to financial aid packages. Those less fortunate are now being given the opportunity to obtain their educational goals. These moneys are made available to those in low-to-middle income levels and are based on need. Anyone can apply for financial aid for college. Many dollars are in the form of grants, such as the Pell Grant, and never have to be repaid. If you do not qualify for a full ride, there are low-interest student loans available. Some loans may be forgiven if you work in a low-income area. TEACH is one such grant awarding students up to $4000 per year. If you do not wish to do so, loan repayment schedules are now based on income and household size, making the payments affordable to all.
Does this sound too good to be true? It is not., the official federal financial aid website has more information on applying to colleges, applying for financial aid as well as what grants are currently available.
Now, is the best time to jump start your future. There are millions of dollars in scholarship money.
by: Catherine Collete
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