Mobile Document Destruction Services by:John Maloney
Before establishing a document shredding plan
, it is often times important to analyze what the best option is for your company. There are several destruction choices to consider when determining the type of service to set up, but the focus of this article is Mobile Document Shredding Services.
There's a lot of value to be gained in using a mobile shredding service especially the added convenience of not having to take any special steps. You are not required to transport your sensitive documents to a destruction warehouse which is a definite plus. This lifts the burden of setting up a sensitive transport plan. When the documents are mobile, they are vulnerable to criminal intent. These risks are eliminated by using a mobile document shredding company because your classified documents are destroyed on site.
Something else to think about is how much the documents are handled by the document destruction professional. Most companies allow you to witness the destruction. While this is a definite bonus, many services also provide the option of hands free destruction, which is something to keep in mind. What I mean by "hands free" is that the paper shredding professional never physically touches your documents. You store sensitive documents in a locked storage bin. The paper destruction professional never has to touch the documents as the entire shredding process is taken care of automatically by machinery.
Another plus of using a mobile shredding service is that the documents are shredded immediately. There is no added risk of handing off documents to external entity and having them transported to a distant location where you lose control.
About the author
John Maloney is an expert in the paper shredding service industry. For more information about document destruction visit: