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Maximizing The Law Of Attraction For Business Success

Maximizing The Law Of Attraction For Business Success

You are finally at a place where you have taken crucial steps in your business and are ready to make a big change

. Deep down in your heart you know this is what you were meant to do, you can literally feel yourself being pulled in this direction. When you are connected to your heart, it all comes together and flows easily. There is clarity in your heart. This is the direction for you to go.

Slowly you feel something begin to shift. All of a sudden you are tuning into your thoughts. The familiar doubts, worries and fears once again are surfacing. As you continue to focus on those thoughts, the old familiar messages begin to appear and they are getting louder and louder. Moments ago you were excited and convicted; now you are not so sure.

"Was this such a good idea after all?"

"Should I really be doing this?"

"Who would pay for that anyway?"

"I'm a failure, I've always been a failure."

To tell you the truth, we all have fears arise as we are reaching for something new, daring and unknown. The difference between the entrepreneurs geared for success compared to everyone else is the response once these thoughts arise.

When you were connected with your heart, thinking about how great it is as everything starts coming together in your business, you were ready to move forward and take action. During these moments you can even envision yourself already having reached your goal and it just feels right. At this moment, you are convicted and ready to do whatever it takes to fulfill your dream.

Once the thoughts began to arise, your focus shifted. Instead of connecting with the feeling of success and knowing you had the potential to pull it all together, you began to tune into the negative thoughts. As that occurred your energy and focus was only able to see the downside, the risk and the vulnerability of stepping out of your comfort zone.

You can feel the internal battle. It feels so real. You know it well, like an old familiar friend.

Your heart is always going to guide you toward your greater good. It wants you to be successful. This is where your intuition comes in. Intuition is connected to the breath.

Sometimes you might be compelled to make a decision which does not make sense, appearing logical, at the time. When the influence comes from your intuition, your heart, your breath, then listen. After the fact, you might reflect on everything and be amazed at the way things seemed to have worked out as they did.

When you think things through too hard, get worried about how you are going to do something and need to know all the steps, your ego is in control. Ego is connected to self preservation and safety. Because your ego was created for survival, it will typically try to keep you from taking risks. Your head wants you to avoid risks, experiencing pain and failure. Instead of moving forward, its purpose is to protect you by remaining exactly where you are now perceiving a false sense of safety in the familiar.

You will begin to talk yourself out of what originally appeared to be a brilliant idea. How often has that occurred? The idea, your inspiration, came from your intuition. Talking yourself out of it, leaving things as they are, is your ego getting in the way. You might recognize this pattern.

Break this vicious cycle. Maximizing the Law of Attraction for business success rests primarily on where you choose to strategically focus your attention then taking inspired action.

1.Law of attraction states whatever you focus on will be reflected back to you. If you are looking for value and opportunities, you will find them. When looking for the problems, you will find those. Law of Attraction does not place value on negative or positive focus. That is an individual process. Remember where you place your focus, it will be reflected back to you.

2.Choosing what you focus on is your choice. You increase the odds for success with intentional congruency between your values, your thoughts and your actions. When everything lines up, you are sending a strong message out to your universe. This is powerful stuff.

Beware, however, if one part of you has doubt, you create a subtle negative energy. You will be out of alignment. The incongruency creates a power subtle, or subconscious, energy. This energy is stronger than the conscious powerful thoughts, creating obstacles to your success.

3.Going with the flow. Once you decide on your business goal, you have two options. Either you can try to get away from a problem. Or you can choose to move toward a solution. The goal will be the same, either way. Always choose to go with the flow instead of against the tide. Something to consider, the most complex problems usually have the easiest solutions. Stay focused on the goal; where you want to go. You might want to make it difficult, but try to do it differently. Allow it to flow and be easy.

4.Beware of the test, you will have a breakdown before the breakthrough. Sorry to be the bearer of this news, but it is true. At some point it might feel like it is all unraveling. The breakdown comes in different forms, whether physical, technical, emotional, etc. The secret is having awareness about the process. The sooner you acknowledge you are in a breakdown, recognizing a breakthrough is on its way, the sooner you will change your perception about it all. Your perception sets the tone for what is happening to you in your life now.

5.Act "as if" is one of my favorite nuggets for success. Deeply connect with your goal, your vision for business success. Think it, see it, be it. Envision how your business and your life will be once you have reached your milestone. Embrace the feeling of success and bring it into your everyday life now. Why wait? As you begin doing this, changes will occur. Opportunities will appear. The very process of bringing your vision to the present in a conscious, intentional manner actually has a physical effect. You are wiring your brain for success, strengthening that "muscle."

The choice is yours. By making a conscious decision to be present in the moment, focused on successfully growing your business, you are already setting yourself up for success. Being human, you will have moments when you lapse. Once you recognize that, don't just say you blew it so why bother. Instead choose to shift your perspective once more aligning with your goals. When you make the choice for success, knowing it has to happen no matter what, you will take a "no-excuses" approach and do whatever is necessary. Instead of gearing up for a fight choose to go with the flow. You will get there a lot sooner and feel energized by the process.


Envision your goal for success as if you were viewing a movie. Make it tangible. Be descriptive. Feel the feeling of living your dream now. How would your life be different? Got it? Now go through the day as if you have already reached your goal. Embrace the feeling of acting as if you already have successfully reached your business goal. Notice how your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and actions change as a result of this exercise.

by: LorenFogelman
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