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. It has been about a day since Kozen launched his Aion Leveling Guide. And you were on it as soon as it hit the market. You can find this guide not a random leveling guide out to scam you guys. It's written by Kozen, who has earned quite a reputation with his warhammer guides.
On comparing this with the other leveling guides out there, this one are right up on the top. This one gets five stars! As far as leveling goes we would rate it just a tad below KFguides Aion Leveling gudie, but with the amount of goodies you get with this, you feel it is worth the price and is definitely the better offer compared to KFGuides Aion leveling guide.
As far as comparison with the current top leveling guide(KFgudies) goes, it is almost equal to them as far as leveling guide goes, but it really excels the whole bunch of other goodies that you get with it. Since you have already owned a copy of KillerGuides and KFGuides, you should focus more on the features in this guide that you won't find in any other Aion guide and if it is good or not. By the way, you could get the most secure Aion powerleveling here.
There have more articles about this game on our site. You can read them by follow the link in the articles. There have more games' news as well. Just enjoy yourself.