Learn How To Protect Your Assets
Learning wealth building techniques and strategies will enable anyone to create generational wealth and long-term success.
We are taught to go to school, get a good job and save money. In my opinion this is the beginning of systematic programming for society benefit. Always keep and open-mind and never let anyone dictate your future. You have to affirm to yourself that you are Great and you deserve the best. Decisions have to be made whether to seek prosperity consciousness or to succumb to poverty consciousness.
Saving money is considered as putting money into a commercial/private bank account, certificate of deposits, savings bonds, mutual funds or money under the mattress (no interest). These are considered lazy assets and they don't accumulate much interest, maybe the most you will accrue is 3%-5% if you are fortunate. Especially in these economic times. Now I am not saying don't sock away some of your hard-earned cash within some of these investments, but it also very important not to put all your eggs in one basket either. Your investments should be balanced presenting you with a portfolio that is well leveraged.
Wealth Empowerment Networks educate you on placing your money within accerlating assets. The wealthy play a different game than the middle class. The wealthy are educated on the other side of the quadrant (Right Side). Wealth is created by leveraging your money in high-interest investment vehicles such as: Foreign Investments,Energy, Oil, Commodities and Precious metals just to name a few. Now these assets mature your money from 200-300% overtime, and you do not have to be Rich to get involved. Some investments start out at $10,000 or less. So if you are already familiar with investing and how it works then you are well equipped and ahead of the game.
The wealthy can sleep peacefully at night due to they know that their money is working for them 24hrs. Wealthy people do whatever they want whenever they want. Wealthy people learn how to master Time and Freedom. Wealthy people master their money it does not master them. Their money is the employee not the employer. Applied knowledge in this area will allow you to grow your assets, protect your assets and invest in more assets. Other vital areas of wealth empowerment are: IRS Assistance, Credit Restoration, Tax Minimization, Financial Planning, Retirement Planning, Wealth Creation and Legacy Building.
This process is a totally different shift in mindset that most people cannot comprehend and most of the time it relates to Fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) or just wanting to take the safe calm route. Surrounding yourself with other like-minded people who are also willing to take calculated strategic risks will eventually enrich your life both personally and financially. There is a burning desire within you when you are engaged with the right information and the right people who are geared towards helping you succeed.
by: Neville Easley
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