Know If You Should Send Money To Ukraine On A Card Before You Go, Or Consider Other Payment Methods
One of the first details to know is that the currency in this country is the hryvnia
, so if want to use cash, plan on bringing U.S. dollars to exchange. Note that most exchange houses will only accept crisp dollars that are not torn or written on, so try to bring newer dollars if possible. Banks and major hotels are the best places to go to exchange money for this country.
If you do not want to bring lots of U.S. dollars to exchange, it is understandable since you could easily lose them on the flight. If you want to ensure that you have enough money to get by on your first night here, especially if the banks nearby are closed, you can send money to Ukraine beforehand on a prepaid debit card. In fact, you can add money to the card before you even leave the U.S., which means that you will have money to spend when you land. If you encounter a store or restaurant that does not accept debit cards in Ukraine, you can always go to the closest ATM to get out money in the form of hryvnia. Fortunately, ATMs and stores that accept debit cards are rampant in large cities like Kiev and Odessa.
Some travelers like to stick to the traditional route of using traveler's checks when they visit other countries. However, newer methods that permit people to send money to Ukraine before even leaving their house, such as the prepaid debit card, have begun to replace the traveler's check in many areas. You should note that traveler's checks are hardly used in Ukraine, and they are rarely accepted, so it is best not to bring them.
No matter what area you plan on visiting in this country, you should know the best methods for spending money. You do not want to count on being able to use U.S. dollars, credit cards, or traveler's checks, only to find out that they are not accepted here. You should rest assured that the prepaid debit card and cash are the two best types of payments to bring to Ukraine.
by: Peter Frampton
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Know If You Should Send Money To Ukraine On A Card Before You Go, Or Consider Other Payment Methods