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Kill Your Speech Lisp Review

Kill Your Speech Lisp Review

Kill Your Speech Lisp Review

Are you one of the many people that are suffering from a lisp? This can be very difficult to want to start a good conversation or even want to speak in public. Many people are very anti social because of this problem and have to pay thousands of dollars for speech classes in order to get it corrected.

My nephew has always had tons of issues with having a lisp. He was made fun of when he went to school and never really wanted to talk on the phone with his friends because of his problem. He always declined from participating in anything in school that required him to talk in front of people. It effected his grades and greatly effected his social life.

We all pitched in and paid for speech therapy lessons but it really did not help him all that much and we spent quite a bit of money for no improvement at all. We even took him to a specialist and made a last ditch effort to help him out. After spending over a thousand dollars he still had is lisp and started to get really depressed over not being able to get rid of it.

Out of desperation I checked out anything online related to eliminating his lisp. I found a Kill Your Lisp Guide that had really good reviews from people that have tried it. I felt that it was only a small fraction of paying for those expensive classes so I had nothing to lose. It took a few weeks but we started to notice that his lisp was starting to become less noticeable.

I really think that if we closely follow the Kill Your Lisp Book it will virtually eliminate his lisp and he will have more self confidence. It takes a little time but this is the only thing that has been effective with his problem.
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Kill Your Speech Lisp Review