Jobless in aTight Economy

Share: Find a job or create Job, is the Internet marketing opportunity to become your own boss really an opportunity.
It's amazing how many people are out of work that have not considered on line marketing as a viable alternative. There seems to be to many left over bad feelings from all the unscrupulous MLM marketing of old, the kind that promoted buying product,selling to friends and family, making a fool of one's self. Kind of like a hangover.
Times have changed somewhat, there are quite a few scam-my MLM businesses around but there are also some great ones. The biggest problem is there are so many and most people coming into the Internet marketing business have a hard time finding the right one.
Some get tired of looking and give up, thinking none exist. I must admit it can take a while to find the best opportunity, there are just so many coming and going. You have to be in the business for a while along with connecting to the right people, we are talking about a huge industry here.
Big players little players, I've had my share of people wasting my time with misrepresented product claims. Usually sounds good on the surface you get interested spend all day checking out setting up the program, then realize you've been lied to it's more work than it's worth, you put support tickets in don't get a response then spend the next two weeks fighting to get your money back. Which at times can be substantial amounts. That's the way it is.
Some programs are great and worth every penny, but how do you find out until you set them up and use them. Having these type problems along with being involved with the wrong marketing opportunity would be enough to give anyone a bad taste about internet marketing.
It is really sad to see peoples hopes and dreams being ruined by these unscrupulous people. It's been said there is a thief on every corner and they saying holds a lot of validity.
The reality is the internet is not that much different than anything else. There are just as many problems off line. It all boils down to buyer beware and doing your homework.
,People out of work kind of need to turn on a little switch that say's why can't I start my own business, what the problem really is they have not been conditioned to think this way.
They have been conditioned to be followers and not leaders from the day they were born. I don't believe there will be to much argument about this.
People that are out of work right now could be starting an online business in their spare time and still be looking for work.
Doing something is better than doing nothing. Some online direct marketing companies have systems in place that allow people to come in on the cheap as they say by giving up a percentage of there commissions toward the buy in.
Once this is accomplished they receive full commissions. Here is one such company that does this and is worth looking into.
Learn more here.
Jobless in aTight Economy
By: Dennis Marsch
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