Is Debt Cluttering Up Your Life?
When people become overwhelmed with things going on in their lives
, many things seem to snowball and before you know it you can feel like you are buried. Debt seems to be the biggest contributor to chaos in a person's life. Many financial and health experts have made a correlation between debt and weight gain. Another thing that seems to be an issue when there is debt is clutter.
Many people that have debt like to go shopping. So, there are many things coming into the house and not as many going out of the home. They only way that you can get your life back on track is to make a plan to eliminate the debt. This will take a debt relief plan, the willingness to cut spending and expenses and the ability to look for ways that will escalate your debt repayment.
One of the best places to begin looking for extra money is in the clutter that is in your home. Much of it may be of little or no value, but I am willing to bet that some of it can be resold and some of it may even be able to be returned for credit if it was purchased recently. This step of the process is two-fold. It begins to get rid of the clutter and it gives you extra money for debt repayment. If you have designer items, consignment shops and online auctions are a good option. You will probably get a better return for these items with these methods than at a garage sale. But a garage sale is not a bad idea for a large number of smaller, less expensive items.
If you cannot sell it, donate it. Having clutter in your home will hold you back in many ways. It makes it hard to think and look forward to the future when all you can see is stuff. There are a lot of good books on cleaning up your debt and they make a good read for someone that is trying to change their life. They not only address how to manage the debt, but they look at what lead you to the debt in the first place. Without addressing why you have debt, you are likely to have debt again and no one wants to go through this stress more than once. If you have clutter or debt, get started with small steps that can give you the life that you deserve.
by: Marjorie Salada
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