Ipod Touch 3rd Generation - Wish I Would Have Never Purchased This Product
By Renea Apartian
I have been using a Palm for several years and have been very happy with it. My husband wanted to do something nice for me so I purchased the new 64gb iPod Touch 3rd Generation. I was so excited.
- I opened the box and there was one small page of instructions that sent me to a website for more information on getting started. That website doesn't exist. I looked all over the Apple website and couldn't find anything.
- I tried to download my contacts from my Palm. Not possible. Everything for the itouch goes through itunes and I've gone to many sites and so far 40 days later I still can't get my contacts onto the itouch. I even exported the contacts into Outlook, but my itouch still isn't able to get them. Looks like I will have to retype all of them.
- I downloaded an audio book and everything came up except excerpt 2. I have exerpts 1,3,4,5,6,7. But Excerpt 2 is nowhere to be found. It's on itunes but isn't on the itouch.
- My husband paid for two games to be downloaded onto the iPod Touch 3rd Generation so I would at least start to enjoy it that way. I tried to play the games, but the itouch doesn't always register when I am touching it. Keep losing on the games because of this.
My new itouch just sits on the table because everytime I pick it up to try to do something with it I end up frustrated.
When I purchased my previous Palms I was using it the first day. iPod Touch 3rd Generation is my first experience with an Apple product and I'm not impressed. If you are a Palm user and like it, don't make the same mistake I did.