International Conflicts in the Context of Globalization
In spite of the development of the democratic principles in the world government
, the conflicts still appear. In fact, it does not matter what kind of government is established, as these conflicts appear on the basis of ethnic differences or territorial disagreements. The aim of this subject is to reveal the origins of the conflicts, and explain their role in the development of international relations. The aim of this subject is to define the origins of the conflicts, classify them in accordance with the common features and the solution principles. In general, the geography of these conflicts is various, and the key principles of solving are closely associated with the necessity of mutual compromises. The list of well known conflicts are as follows: 1. Palestinian conflict 2. Yugoslavian conflict 3. Tibet conflict with China 4. South Ossetia conflict 5. Nagorno-Karabakh conflict Theoretic Approaches In general, it may be mentioned that any conflict involves a Muslim participant. Hence, the theory of conflicts presupposes the study of international relation theories, and one of the key concepts is the "Clash of Civilizations" by Samuel Huntington. Hence, he claims that the main conflicts will arise on the basis of religious differences of the nations. Muslims are the key participants of the most of the conflicts, and in accordance with Huntington, Muslim culture is rather aggressive, and the youngest, hence, it may be compared with the medieval inquisition in Christianity. Another concept claims that conflicts are the important part of development. They help to define the ulcers in the organism of the global government, and either achieve an agreement (cure the ulcer), or cut the infected part by breaching the peace. Conflictology should be regarded as the key aspect for realizing the origin of the conflicts, however, history and culture of conflicting sides should be considered.
International Conflicts in the Context of Globalization
By: jordon78casinger
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