In Spite Of Jeunesse Globalscam, Jeunesse Globalcontinues Prosperity
Share: The co-founder of Jeunesse, Wendy Lewis has over 20 years of successful network marketing
experience and knew that something awesome was ready to blow up when she was given the exclusive worldwide rights to a product nothing you've seen prior in the multilevel marketing niche. And that is to create anti-aging solutions involving adult stem call therapy. During her years, she's helped to create more than fifteen millionaires and paid more than $77 million in rep commissions. That's a lot of money which has been paid! The headquarters of Jeunesse is located in Florida.
Please note that I am not affiliated with this company in any way, this review is merely my opinion.
To get involved with the business you are required to buy the Starter Kit. This kits costs $29.95 and includes a retail website and a backoffice. Also, when you are registering you may as well order some items for you to show your friends and family. The merchandise packages range between $230 - $905.
You can find 6 ways to get paid. The first is retail sales. You can make over 35% of retail profit. Second is when you refer visitors to the biz opp, you can generate anywhere from $25 - $200 with respect to the package that's purchased when the person joins. You can also earn commissions from the team, receive leadership matching bonuses, and make money from a leadership bonus pool.
For people that are new to multi level marketing, it could be hard for a few to realize and recognize that network marketing is a completely different model then having a job. So, if I can offer some advice that would be to concentrate on the training that the team has to offer. Training is vital to your success. After all, when you started your job, you had to endure some training, right? Exactly the same applies here. Don't under estimate the power of training as well as the importance.
Unfortunately, sometimes, the training provided by the company alone just isn't enough. Often times when a person begins a new business, they are told to make contact with their family and friends to try to get them active in the business. Sometimes the friends and family don't possess the same vision the representative has, so they decline to participate the business. This can lead to major annoyance and the sales person is unsure how to proceed as far as marketing the business enterprise.
So, the next step is to venture on the internet to locate new leads, but since many reps don't have a degree in marketing, their time and expense spent on marketing becomes a loss. The key to success in mlm is to locate someone that has the same results you would like and follow their footsteps. Should you dislike what your upline does to build their business, you'll need to find alternative methods to advertise. One that fits your personality and time commitments. Once you discover that person, do what they do daily until you find the success you are looking for. If you want to create a big business, you need new leads to expose the business to each single day. Without it, you will be out of business earlier than expected.
by: Herbert a jones
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