How to differentiate between real and fake wholesale distributors
Real wholesale distributors usually doesn't advertise or do business online ina fake way because they directly deal with their own customer rather than selling their goods online to general public. But since these days industry is going online, there are wholesalers who do business online, selling business to business, but you can easily find out that its a real one, just by looking at its website, its website's sercure infarmation features and also from the business directory, and online websites like Alexa or BBB, who provide all the details of the online wholesalers. Moreover, it's not the job of real wholesale distributors to promote their company online because real wholesale distributors would just store goods from a manufacturer and resell them to large companies. A fake wholesale distributor might ask you to fill out a W-2 form which requires your social security number to be written so beware from such activities. Avoid contacting middle men who manage the retail selling on web and often charges high prices for products and dropship.
How to differentiate between real and fake wholesale distributors