How To Go From Shovel Ready To People Ready In A Green Job Market? by:Chris Marentis
With the signing of the economic stimulus bill
, there has been a rush to identify "shovel ready" jobs. But, behind the scenes, business and government leaders are grappling with the problems of being "people ready" for the millions of green jobs that will be created through the investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Meanwhile, job seekers, anxious and excited about the prospect of a lifeline into a new career, are finding it difficult and confusing to identify and determine the qualifications needed for a sustainable jobs. Many find, after navigating the waves of information about the green jobs, they end up with far more questions than answers.
An ebook released by identifies the challenges and solutions for green job hunters trying to make the transition to a sustainable job. "The Complete Green Job Guide 2009: Secrets For Getting The Job You Want" is the most up-to-date green job search resource available.
Experts agree that the money allocated thus far for training falls far short of that needed to meet the demands for skilled workers trying to make a green job transition in the coming years. In fact, research conducted by National Renewable Energy Lab ( shows the major barriers to a rapid adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency are insufficient skills and training in America's workforce.
It is important to understand that momentum for green energy has been building for several years. After almost thirty years of debating the issues, government, business, financial and environmental experts agree that the conversion to sustainable energy is a necessity. The message is clear: we must act now. And those who act on their own to adapt to the new job market will have limitless opportunities in a green energy economy.
With the support of government and business, green energy is poised to provide the largest growth in employment opportunities of recent decades. Statistics prove the green job movement has already started.
The American Solar Energy Society ( reported that nearly 8.5 million jobs were created in renewable energy and energy-efficient industries in 2006. By 2030, that number will sky rocket to 40 million. In twenty years, one in four workers will be in a green energy job.
The online job site, Career Builders ( ), reports that thirteen percent of employers they surveyed said they plan to add "green jobs" in 2009, up thirty percent from the previous year.
Several studies estimate that $1 invested in renewable energy or energy efficiency would yield up to four times as many jobs as $1 invested in oil and gas.
In his pre-inaugural speech on the economy, then President-elect Obama outlined the reasons for investing in sustainable alternatives when he spoke of the paradox and the promise. "So many are in need of work and there is so much work to be done." It will take an army of workersan estimated 5 millionfrom all backgrounds to begin the work to build viable alternative energy sources; retrofit our homes, offices, schools and hospitals for energy efficiency; improve and expand mass transportation; build fuel efficient cars and trucks, and develop biofuels.
For many, the big question remains unanswered. That is how to be competitive in the green job market? With information scattered throughout agencies, it is difficult to understand the qualifications needed to qualify for the cleantech jobs, what businesses are emerging in this new market that will create sustainable jobs, and how to conduct an effective green job search.
Never before have so many complex issues intersected to create such an urgent need to act. This complexity makes information a key advantage for the green job hunter. Those who don't arm themselves with research, don't monitor ongoing developments, and don't take the initiative to identify, adapt and upgrade their skills risk losing an early advantage in the emerging green economy.
So where do you start in this quest for information? Inspired by the growing questions among job seekers, the green hiring professionals at decided to find answers. To find the answers green job hunters need, their staff did extensive research to:
review the history of the green energy job movement
consult with hiring and training experts
examine the statistics to ferret out the facts behind the headlines
The results of their research is compiled in a comprehensive report, "The Complete Green Job Guide 2009: Secrets For Getting The Job You Want". For those green job seekers who want the make transition into a sustainable job, "The Complete Green Job Guide 2009: Secrets For Getting The Job You Want" is a comprehensive green job resource which organizes your job search into a ten-step program. The steps are:
1. First things first: define a green energy job?
Green energy is a move toward a new economy, with new industries, new jobs, and a new vision for economic and environmental stability. Learn what defines a green energy job.
2. Be informed and be committed
Although green energy is a key item in the stimulus package, it is first and foremost a critical part of discussions on national security, energy independence and global warming. Any professional pursuing a career in this market segment will need a thorough understanding of the myriad of issues impacting green energy.
3. Learn "green speak"
Green tech, cleantech, sustainablegreen terms such as these have become part of corporate and popular culture. New idioms show up in conversation frequently. Job candidates need to extend their grammar check to include green glossaries and dictionaries.
4. Find the company that fits
Find out where green jobs are growing. Identify the top new business in the industries for your green job search. Learn where green jobs are emerging in traditional businesses.
5. Pick the job you want
What are the job titles for a green energy job. Qualifications? Career track? Pay? Green job seekers will need to see where they fit in the new job market.
6. Take inventory and show your skills
Assess your skills for a green job transition. How will you transfer them to a green energy job?
7. Bulk up your qualifications
Do you need more training or certification? Identify short term, cost effective ways to become better qualified for a green energy job.
8. Be sociable and network your way into the back door
Learn how to get into the back door through personal contacts. Understand how social networking can enhance your green job search.
9. Brand your unique qualifications
Translate your unique abilities into benefits for cleantech job. Create your own brand, and market it through your resume, letters, networking contacts, and interviews.
10. Make job boards and job fairs work for you.
Navigate the 40,000 job boards and effectively narrow your search. Utilize job fairs for research and visibility and find the one that will help you make the green job transition.
By following these ten steps, job seekers can successfully navigate the path to a green job. As job losses mount weekly, that transition becomes increasingly urgent. The good news is that, armed with a thorough understanding of its goals and requirements, we have the opportunity to meet the challenge being "people ready" for the emerging economy.
About the author is the Complete Resource for Green Job Seekers, green job search, green job preparation, career search, green job opportunities, green engineering jobs, career search, green building jobs, clean energy jobs and green design jobs.
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How To Go From Shovel Ready To People Ready In A Green Job Market? by:Chris Marentis