How To Apply For Financial Aid At University Of Southern California?
Like other large universities, more than half of the students at the University of South Caroline make use of federal aids while still in school
. Its an unpleasant fact that something as privately appropriable as education is expensive. Thats why the government lends a helping hand whenever possible.
Know Your Schedules
As an applicant for federal student aid, you should be aware that most educational institutions run a very tight schedule on processing of such documents. For the purpose of sifting through the deserving applicants and those that can be denied approval, an evaluation process is usually used to determine whether a student is eligible for student aid.
For this year, contact the University of Southern California for the exact days of deadlines for student aid. As a rule of thumb, send your application earlier than the deadlines for faster processing. In addition, if you miss certain documents, you would still have time to produce the said documents and mail them to the university.
Your eligibility for financial aid at the University of Southern California would also be determined by the College Scholarship Service. Log on to if you find out that youre eligible for the financial aid.
Specific Requirements
Take note that the University of Southern California requires its own copy of your familys tax returns. Your familys tax returns would reveal just how much money is flowing into your familys budget on a monthly basis.
Tax returns should of course be recent, so make sure that you file early in the year to send the university a current one. A current tax return should be mailed or hand-delivered at the university no later than the first week of March of every year. Unlike other schedules, this one is fairly consistent.
The Beauty of Grants
Aside from loans, scholarships are particularly popular with all students. What differentiates these grants from regular federal loans is that you wont have to worry about repaying a cent after you finish university. With this in mind, make sure that youre working hard enough at school to satisfy the requirements of most scholarships.
International organizations often offer such grants to unprivileged students from all occupations, from different regions of the world. Make sure you find the organizations that offer scholarships to American citizens, to lessen the competition.
Beyond the Student Loan
Aside from the student loans, your parents can also approach the federal government for help. If your parents are generally low-income and cannot produce the required amount of money throughout the semesters, then it might be a good idea to apply for a PLUS loan.
PLUS loans for parents are provided by the federal government of the United States at very low rates. These low rates are provided and fixed to make sure that the families would be able to repay the said loans after a students stint at the university.
Remember, universities want to help you. If youre planning to stay in school, make sure you do everything to stay in school. Talk to the USC Financial Aid Office to make sure that everything has been looked into.
by: frenn
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