I have purchased Holly Hayden's H Miracle e-book and I have to say I am impressed. The book is based on her actual quest to find an all natural remedy for hemorrhoids. She doesn't cover just how to get rid of them, but also how to prevent them from coming back.
Her book is a solid 50 pages filled with content, not just a lot of fluff. Here are a few of the chapter titles to give you a feel of what she covers-
Fixing it the Chinese Way
Chinese Hemorrhoids Treatment
Recipes for Hemorrhoidal Care
Salves and Ointments to the Rescue
Those are just four of the chapters that she covers in her book. Now she understands that there is not just one type of hemorrhoid. There are varying levels of severity and frequency of showing up. She covers all of this.
The best part is she shows how to get IMMEDIATE relief of the burning, itching and swelling with a common household item that you most likely already have in your kitchen.
This isn't a bunch of natural 'voodoo' either. Holly was just tired of all the same lotions, potions and pills being sold at all of her local drug stores, so she set out to put together something that worked for her. That is when the H Miracle was born. Not only does she provide solid hemorrhoid relief, but she is a walking testimonial to her methods.
As mentioned, her report is solid. If there was a drawback to her information, it would be that there is a lot of it. Which isn't always a bad thing...