Helping Your Customers Get Their Home Business On The Right Track
My concept for my home business is that I give all the people that join my home business personal one on one support
. There are so many people that are failing at one business opportunity after the other because they just don't have the direction they need.
You may be able to relate to this as I definatly can. It seems to be the right of passage. You must join several programs and fail at all of them before you can possibly learn enough to stand on your own.
But why should you have to stand on your own in the first place? Why is it so hard to find a home business where you can get the support that was promised to you before you paid your hard earned money?
To me the answer is simple, greed. Ant way you slice it this is a numbers game. The more you advertise the more prospects you will attract and in the end the more people you will get to join you.
I just do not get this concept. The more people that get frustrated because they have no direction after they join the more people are going to continue to quit your business.
What if you gave them the support they need? What if you shared what you know? Let them in on the things that you do on a daily basis?
You will have many successful people on your team instead of a steady steam of people quitting that you have to keep replacing!
When I sign someone up to join my home business the first thing I do is give them a personal trip through the back office. For a new person this is the first daunting and scary thing they come to.
Given a tour by you will eliminate a very slow start for them. Instead of them having to muttle through it on their own, you can show them in a matter of minutes what they need to concentrate on first!
The next thing I do is help them set up their payment accounts and buttons so they can get paid. For a newbie even this can be confusing. After they are shown these critical first steps they begin to see the light and do not feel so lost.
The next thing we do is help them set up their auto responders and connect them to their website. I help them understand why they need them and why they are important.
Keep in mind that not everyone needs this kind of direction, but many do!
The next thing we do is create a plan of attack! A list of daily things to do. This is where the structure comes in! Most will get lost and frustrated if they do not have a clear plan of action.
By having a list of things that you can follow every day you are less likely to get lost or frustrated. Depending on how many call me for help everyday I go to my own list to see what I have done and what is left to be done.
This structure is what was lacking for me and I know that is helping the people on my team as well.