Globalinx: Get Information On Globalinx

Globalinx is the global telecommunications company wholly owned subsidiary of 5LINX Enterprises, Inc. that provides VoIP services. 5LINX owns Globalinx! Globalinx offers video phones and VoIP phones which are only marketed by independent representatives of 5LINX. VoIP stands for voice over internet protocol. This is a fancy way to say internet phone. Globalinx provides a way for their customers to receive a dial tone utilizing the internet. This product works great as long as you have the right speed of internet and in some cases have your internet company DNSs (Domain Name Server) your lines and open all ports. The internet speed needed to run the DTA box effectively is 256k to 768 kilobits for home installation and 786k to 2m mega bits per sec. Most customer complaints on the Globalinx DTA box have a 1 to1 correlation with not doing one or both of these tasks with the internet provider during your installation of the box. The DTA box has easy installation- three wires internet in and out and then power.
Globalinx has a multimillion dollar state of the art secured network and Globalinx is a VoIP trusted provider. This means there is no sharing or piggy backing lines with other carriers making our network secure for any type of business (example Banks ). Globalinx allows their customers to make phone calls over broadband internet to 75 different countries with unlimited talk time for one flat fee. Globalinx offers all of the traditional services of a traditional land line and more, plus the customer can keep their existing phone number by porting it over to the Globalinx network. Now, because you are using the internet your phone bill will be cut over 50% as compared to your traditional land line. Most importantly, because you use the internet and your Globalinx DTA box your phone goes wherever you go!
The Globalinx residential plans start from $24.95 a month for your basic
Digital Telecommunications Adapter (DTA) and for an additional $9.95 a month offers you a trusted fax line. How many home owners do you know that would like to cut their phone bill in half and have more features and a broader calling range? Commercial plans start from $39.99 a month for your basic DTA and for an additional $9.95 a month offers you a trusted fax line. How many of AT&TS business customers do you know that would like to have more features and a broader calling range and save $60 to $80 dollars a month per line? Can you see me now? Globalinx pioneer product is video phone technology. As of 2010 this company is on its fourth version of the video phone technology and Globalinx to my knowledge has the only wireless touch screen video in the world today with 3 way conferencing. The Globalinx video residential or commercial plan starts from $29.95 a month and gives you the ability to see everyone who calls you that has a Globalinx video phone. If youre calling from a video phone and the person called does not have a video phone you can still make unlimited traditional calls to 75 countries.
Think about this! Everything in this world is now going digital. Think about your cameras, music, cell phones, TVS and ask yourself a question. Why not your phone? Dont you think your home phone is next? The price of running lines is rising at an alarming rate and is an obsolete practice. Most of the major companies are making a massive push to creating VoIP departments because billions of dollars are at stake and billions of dollars are being made in this industry as of today. Ask Carlos Slim what he thinks about the VoIP industry after becoming richer than Bill Gates in the telecom industry.
5LINX through Globalinx has an opportunity for you to capitalize on the VoIP industrys wealth trend and get paid monthly while helping other people save money on telecommunications. For more information on Globalinx contact me Lester Jackson a 5LINX independent marketing representative.
Lester Jackson,
Online Business Success Coach
by: ljsolutions
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