Global warming and green house effect threat to mankind
Global warming and green house effect is the same kind of phenomenon. The increasing of temperature of the earth's atmosphere that is caused by the increase of particular gases especially carbon dioxide.
Green house effect is the problem of the gradual rise in temperature of the earth's atmosphere caused by an increase of gases such as carbon dioxide in air surrounding the earth which trap the heat of sun.
Basically methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluoro carbons are other gases responsible for global warming.
Consequences of Global warming
Adding to the CHGs means trapping more heat on the earth and consequent increase in its temperature. The sea level goes up because the thermal expansion of water when it gets heated up and the melting of ice caps on mountain.
Another serious impact of global warming would be an increase in the frequency and severity of droughts and cyclones, climate change, agriculture, health etc.
Kyoto Protocol
In 1997 in Japan, 160 countries drafted a stronger agreement known as the Kyoto protocol. This treaty which has not yet been implemented, calls for the 38 industrialized countries that now release the most greenhouse gases to cut their emissions to the level of five percent below those of 1990.This reduction is to be achieved no later than 2012.The remaining 122 nations, mostly developing nations, were not asked to commit to a reduction in gas emissions.
One more thing here that is to be noted is that the Kyoto protocol will not be binding until nations accounting for 55 percent 1990 greenhouse gas emissions have ratified it. Recently Russia has ratified it.
Copenhagen Summit
The 170 countries leaders of world meet in 7 to 18 December 19, 2009 in Copenhagen (Denmark), at new deal to tackle rising temperatures. But summit had unsuccessful. 192 member nations of the UN to sign a legally binding agreement setting targets and deadlines for managing emission of greenhouse gases.
The details of the deal, which bridged the seemingly insurmountable gap between the position taken by the developed and developing nations, were not immediately available.
The developed world-home to fifteen percent of the world's population emits 45 percent of green house gases but has failed to meet targets of emission reductions agreed under the Kyoto protocol in 1997.
China is the top greenhouse emitter (6.8 billion tones annually, 5.5 tones per capita)
China wants that developed nation's target to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Expects average cuts of at least 40 percent from 1990 levels by 2020.
United States is world's second largest green house emitter (6.4 billion tones annually, 21.0 tones per capita). The US promised to cut 2005 emissions by 17 percent by 2020.This is 30 percent below 1990 levels. US wants china to be transparent over its CO2 emissions.
European Union (5.03 billion tones, 10.2 tones per capita). The EU wants developing nations to curb emissions by 15 to 30 percent below a trajectory of business as usual by 2020.
India (1.4 billion tones, 1.2 tones per capita). India and china wants rich nations to cut emissions by at least 40 percent by 2020 below 1990 levels.
African countries (Negligible emissions). African nations want developed nations cut emissions by at least 45 percent below 1990 levels by 2020.
Piyush singh
H-69, Laxmi Nagar
Delhi -92
Em- piyush_singh450@
Global warming and green house effect threat to mankind
By: Piyush Singh
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