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Global Warming Scenarios And Global Warming Survival

Global Warming Scenarios

Global Warming Scenarios

Adam: Steve, there is a lot of talk about the various potential threats of climate change. What are the most likely global warming scenarios?

Steve: There are two scenarios considered to be most likely to happen:

The first scenario assumes that humanity gets its head on straight and global warming emissions cause the Earths temperature to rise by only one degree between now and 2100. And that rise alone will lead to drastic climate changes.

What are the chances of avoiding this? Zero percent. This is going to happen because of the mistakes of our past.

The second likely scenario, more probable than the first, is that the earth will warm up by up to 2 degrees, in which case climate changes will be cataclysmic.

What are the chances of avoiding this scenario? There is a good chance of avoiding this scenario but only if all greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 60 percent over the course of the next ten years. I personally dont see that happening around us.

I wouldnt encourage anyone to just hope for the best and wait around for things to improve. And obviously, people suffering right now because of global warming can attest to that. Im referring for example to people living in areas frequently affected by droughts such as the Southern United States. With global warming, as temperatures increase, evaporation rates increase and soil moisture is depleted, further increasing the frequency and duration of droughts. Over time these will get more and more difficult to deal with and choosing such areas to live will become problematic.

This is only one of the types of issues and time is limited here, but all the good people out there need to assess their specific situation and make the changes required now in order to have a better life in the future.

Adam: Thanks Steve visit the for more free information and free chapters of the Global Warming Survival Bible, including the area that will be most affected by global warming in the future.

by: besafe andsurviveA
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Global Warming Scenarios And Global Warming Survival