Global Warming: Its Causes And Effects Around The World!
A few weeks back there was earthquakes in different parts of the world on the same day
. Every news channel on my Cox Cable was talking about the different areas that had an earth quake and the possibility of tsunami in various places. Thankfully there were no huge disasters as a result of these quakes as I feared. So why are there so many changes in nature? When I was growing up earth quakes and tsunami were something that I never heard of. Now, every year there is a huge earth quake happening in some part of the world. Do we blame it on us humans who exploit the nature in the form of technology?
The biggest worry more than pollution is the global warming. So what causes global warming? Though pollution is an indirect cause, it is not the direct cause of global warming. As the name suggests global warming happens when the earth heats up and as a result the temperature rises. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, etc. trap heat and light on the earths atmosphere. This causes the rise in temperature. Though the change in climate is happening at a slow pace, one would agree that the climatic conditions are not the same as it was ten years back. It is not just us humans who are getting affected by global warming, but also the flora and fauna.
How did global warming start? The main cause of global warming is the power plants. These power plants emit carbon dioxide on a large scale. They burn fossil fuel to do this so as to produce electricity. Carbon dioxide is also emitted through the burning of gasoline in an automobile engine. Similarly, the other gases are emitted through the production of nylon, nitric acid, etc. which in turn affects the earths atmosphere. There are countries taking measures to control the emission of these gases. The effort is paltry and more steps have to be taken to control this. It is not just people who need awareness but also the respective governments.
How is global warming affecting the world? There are ecological changes on earth which has been caused due to the rise in global temperature. There are evidence of global warming with the rising of sea level and the reduction of snow cover on the Northern Hemisphere. They are also causing extinction of various species. There are thousands of species that have not yet been discovered and there are approximately twenty five species going extinct on a daily basis. We talk about mammoths and saber tooth that have gone extinct, but what about the lesser known species that are going extinct every day? It is not just the animals but also plants that are going extinct. Scientists are predicting that the temperatures are going to increase by a couple of degrees in the coming years.
Though it is impossible for us to go back to the Stone Age, each and every of us can take a little more effort in being organic or cut down on the fuel usage and electricity. If there is a grocery store at a walking distance, then lets not take a car just because we have the luxury of an automobile. Stopping the vehicle at the signals is also another way of reducing fuel usage. How many of us switch off the lights when we leave the room? It is not just a good habit, but also saves electricity which in turn helps in saving the environment a little. These are small initiatives that help for a larger cause. Let us help in protecting the environment and take effort is reducing the global warming by following these small steps!
by: Samantha
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