The temperature in the atmosphere is increasing rapidly
. The climate is changing.
The normal temperature on earth is increasing. Hurricanes, droughts and floods are taking place more frequently. Over the past 100 years the average temperature of the earth has risen about 1 Celsius. Even though 1 Celsius seems to be an insignificant change, scientists say that the earth is at the moment now warmer than it has been for a thousand years. Not only the augment of heat but the rapidity it is happening too is vital. Read more 123-Svaret-Er
The conversion to a warmer world will indeed by very difficult for all life on earth if not catastrophic.
There are twelve places on earth which will suffer greatly, according to scientists. The 12 places which scientists say will go through the most are:
1. Amazon rainforest
2. Arctic sea ice
3. Atlantic Thermo hyaline circulation
4. Boreal Forest
5. Continental Ice caps
6. El Nino
7. Greenland ice sheet
8. Indian summer monsoon
9. Permafrost
10. Southwest North American drought
11. West African Monsoon and Sahel
12. West, Antarctic sheet
Climate change is not akin to a retreat or growth of a glacier. It is not a slow process.
Scientists say that a temperature increase which is a bit more than 2 Celsius would unhurriedly but inexorably kill most of Amazon rainforest. Read more nu-123
Since lizards are cold blooded the question arises if global warming could have an effect on lizards.
Scientists say that by 2050 at least 6 percent of lizard species will go extinct.
Global warming doesnt affect the lizards by heat but global warming seems to be lengthening the period of day. Lizards have to seek shelter or are at risk of overheating which could be lethal to them. When it comes to the breeding period and the sheltering period is so long, the females of various species cannot produce eggs and offspring since they dont get sufficient food.
The grounds of past climate changes have been variations in solar output.
Every person should be aware of quick climate change and realize the gravity of the problem. Also the causes and the harm it could do is vital information which everyone should know.
Every human being living on earth should be responsible for this very serious situation and every possible step should be taken to shrink green house gas output. Read more Soegemaskineoptimering
Chief scientific advisor to the British government, David A. King has declared that climate change is the most callous problem that we are facing today more serious even than the menace of terrorism.