Global Solar Thermal Market Impressive Growth In Installations From 2010 Onward
Solar Thermal Power Market Forecast to 2020 - Utilities to Drive Future Developments in the Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Market
The report provides in-depth analysis of the global solar thermal market and provides forecast estimates up to 2020. The research analyzes the key trends, major issues and growth opportunities in the global solar thermal market. The report contains in depth analysis of the key countries and provides forecast estimates up to 2020. The report also gives insights on market development of solar thermal in emerging markets. The report provides detailed analysis on the technology trends and cost break up for solar thermal. Information on the regulatory framework and key policies governing the industry has also been dealt with in detail. Elaborate profiling of major industry participants coupled with detailed analysis of important news and deals provide a comprehensive understanding of the global solar thermal market. ( )
Green Stimulus: A Crucial Support to Renewable Energy
Global carbon emissions have become a central focus of developed nations in attaining the twin goals of energy security and sustainability. In order to achieve this twin target of security and sustainability, there is an acute need to produce energy from the sustainable sources such as wind, solar, geothermal and biomass.
The global financial crisis has provided opportunities to governments to move forward in altering the present energy generation mix. The financial stimulus packages announced by the major developed nations have allotted almost $512 billion to green energy. On the basis of announced stimulus packages to 31st March 2009, the observation can be drawn that the Asian nations, especially China, have contributed the most to the green energy projects. South Korea has allotted the maximum amount to the green energy, followed by China.
Global Solar Thermal Market Impressive Growth in Installations from 2010 Onward
Global Solar Thermal market was concentrated in the US only till Spain joined in 2007. Since 2007, the sector has broadened its geographical reach and Australia and Morocco has also started the solar thermal plants. Due to the high energy efficiency, the technology is gathering the interest of the other nations with the planned projects coming online from 2010.
Utilities Owned Projects A Strategic Driver of CSP Installations
The utilities in the US are on a new endeavor that will act as a catalyst for the Solar Thermal Market installations. The utilities are considering the option to establish own solar thermal facility with grid connectivity in order to lure benefit of the extended ITC to the industry and hedging volatile energy prices scenario. Unlike Solar PV system, Solar Thermal technology has higher efficiency and higher potential to generate the base load power provided sufficient back up and storage facility.
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Global Solar Thermal Market Impressive Growth In Installations From 2010 Onward Vairano Patenora