Global Salmon Fish Market: An Analysis - Market Research Report On Aarkstore Enterprise
The overall production of farmed salmon has shown an increasing trend till 2008
, after which the production started declining. The decline can be attributed to Atlantic Salmon as the quantity of Pacific Salmon produced worldwide is expected to have increased during 2008-10. The Atlantic Salmon production declined due to reduced supplies from Chile due to Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA), a disease which causes immense mortality and reduced growth for Atlantic salmon.
Norway and Chile are the dominant producers in the global salmon market, with a share of about two-thirds of global farmed salmon. There are other producing countries, which include Scotland and Canada. The worldwide salmon consumption can be divided among five major markets: the European Union fresh and frozen market, the Japanese fresh and frozen market, the US fresh and frozen market, canned salmon markets and other markets. The European Union dominates the worldwide salmon market.
Typically salmon production has been confined to four companies: Marine Harvest, Leroy Seafood, and Cermaq, Salmar. Marine Harvest is the leading salmon farming player.
Growing health concerns, increasing number of specialty stores and restaurants serving salmon and increasing research and development have been particularly influential in driving salmon consumption. The salmon market faces a number of challenges, including biological risks and environmental hazards.
The current report analyzes the market size and segmentation of the global salmon market. The various drivers, opportunities and the challenges faced by the market are also discussed in detail. The competitive aspect of the market is highlighted and the key players are profiled with their strategies for this market.
By combining SPSS Inc.s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.
Table of Contents :
1. Introduction
1.1 Industry Overview
Fishmeal Consumption by Region
Fish Production Breakup
1.2 Global Fish Trade
Major Exporters
Major Importers
1.3 Salmon and Its Species
1.4 Salmon Processing
2. Global Salmon Fish Market
2.1 Worldwide Production
Production Growth
Regional Breakup
2.2 Worldwide Consumption
Consumption Breakup by Region
2.3 Salmon Prices
2.4 Market Segmentation
Atlantic Salmon
Pacific Salmon
3. Country Analysis
3.1 Major Producers
3.1.1 Norway
Market Overview
Price Trend
3.1.2 Chile
Market Overview
3.1.3 Scotland
Market Overview
3.1.4 Canada
Market Overview
Price Trend
3.2 Major End-Markets
3.2.1 European Union (EU)
Imports Statistics
Price Trend
3.2.2 Unites States
4. Atlantic Salmon
4.1 Overview
Value Chain
4.2 Atlantic Salmon Production
Production by Value & Volume
Regional Breakup
4.3 Atlantic Salmon Trade
5. Market Trends
5.1 Demographic Trend
5.2 Mergers and Acquisitions
5.3 Consumer Preferences
5.4 Pricing Rise
5.5 Cyclical Industry
5.6 Research and Development
6. Key Challenges
6.1 Biological Risks
6.2 External Environmental Damage
7. Competitive Landscape
8. Company Profiles
8.1 Marine Harvest
Business Description
Financial Summary
Business Strategies
Wide Geographic Presence
Focus on Research and Development
8.2 Leroy Seafood
Business Description
Financial Summary
Business Strategies
Strategic Acquisitions and Alliances
Product Range Dispersal
Customer Satisfaction
8.3 Cermaq
Business Description
Financial Summary
Business Strategies
Diversified Geographical Exposure
Product Quality and Cost Efficiency
Focus on Research and Development
8.4 SalMar
Business Description
Financial Summary
Business Strategies
Increase in Production
Expansion through Acquisitions
9. Market Outlook
9.1 Market Forecast
9.2 Forecast Methodology
9.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables
9.2.2 Correlation Analysis
9.2.3 Regression Analysis
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by: Aarkstore Enterprise
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