Global Prospects For Metering And Advanced Metering Infrastructure - Market Research Report

Share: Introduction
A key new market driver has emerged. With the exception of Germany, policy makers and utilities alike believe they need to invest in smart metering because everyone else is doing so. Datamonitor forecasts that this most powerful of drivers will push residential electricity smart meter shipments to 60 million units in 2015, compared to 15 million units shipped in 2009
Scope of this research
The report provides market size (Units and $m) forecasts of the following for 45 countries:
Residential electricity meter sales by technology (electro-mechanical, electronic, pre-payment, AMR, AMI), 2005-15
Commercial, Industrial and Grid electricity meter sales, 2005-15
Gas, Water and Heat electricity meter sales, 2005-15
Research and analysis highlights
Detailed profiles on the key global markets for smart metering including the USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK, Denmark, Finland, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Russia, South Africa, India, China and Australia
The global value of the smart metering market for residential customers will reach $5.7bn by 2015 up from $1.6bn in 2009, including both smart meters and attendant infrastructure such as communication modules, data concentrators, home-side gateways, utility-side MUCs, HAN cards, in-home devices, smart thermostats and meter data management software
Key reasons to purchase this research
The most comprehensive report ever compiled on smart metering
Detailed profiles on the key global markets for smart metering, and detailed data and forecasts for a further 26 countries
Vendor market shares for smart meters and communications modules by region
Table of Contents :
Key conclusions 1
Table of contents 3
List of tables 4
List of figures 16
How to use this report 20
Introduction to the report 20
Report definitions 21
The world market for metering 24
The vendor landscape 38
Only around 50% of an AMI budget will go to vendors 38
Meter manufacturers 39
Communications vendors 42
MDM 43
Systems Integrators 45
Meter vendor market shares 47
Smart metering 62
Key applications for smart metering 62
Key drivers for smart metering 79
Key issues for smart metering 83
North America 91
Canada 101
Conclusions: Ontario will provide valuable lessons for the rest of Canada 101
Utility sector: Canada has partially restructured its utility sector 102
Metering: Ontario has begun to roll out smart metering 104
USA 110
Conclusions: Stimulus funds and positive regulators have driven rapid US market growth 110
Utility sector: Investor-owned utilities dominate the US utility sector 112
Metering: AMI using RF dominates the US metering sector 113
Mexico 126
Conclusions: Mexico is a strong opportunity for smart metering vendors 126
Utility sector: CFE and Luz y Fuerza del Centro are the key electric utilities in Mexico 127
Metering: Mexico will switch from electro-mechanical to electronic metering 128
South America 134
Brazil 140
Conclusions: Brazil represents a substantial opportunity 140
Utility sector: Brazil has restructured its electricity sector 141
Metering: Brazil has a number of local meter vendors 143
Western Europe 150
France 160
Conclusions: We expect the French roll out for smart metering will start in 2012 160
Utility sector: EDF dominates the French electricity industry 161
Metering: France has a significant metering sector across all utilities 164
Germany 171
Conclusions: Germany is large but uncertain prize for smart metering vendors 171
Utility sector: Germany is Europes most complex utility sector 172
Metering: Germany has a liberalised metering sector 175
Netherlands 182
Conclusions: We expect the Dutch smart metering programme to be complete by 2020 182
Utility sector: Retail-distribution unbundling is nearly complete 183
Metering: DNOs have the responsibility for metering 185
Spain 192
Conclusions: Spain will deliver smart metering although with delays 192
Utility sector: Endesa and Iberdrola are Spains key electric utilities 193
Metering: Electricity and water meters dominate the Spanish market 195
UK 202
Conclusions: The UK is looking to accelerate its smart metering roll out 202
Utility sector: The UK is the most liberalised of Europes energy markets 203
Metering: The metering segment is fully liberalised in the UK market 205
Nordic markets 212
Denmark 216
Conclusions: DONG is the major remaining opportunity in Denmark 216
Utility sector: DONG is by far the largest utility in Denmark 217
Metering: Metering is the responsibility of the DNO in Denmark 219
Finland 225
Conclusions: Finland will complete its smart metering roll out by 2013 225
Utility sector: Finland has a highly fragmented utility sector 226
Metering: Metering is the responsibility of the DNO in Finland 229
Eastern Europe 235
Czech Republic 239
Conclusions: PLC set to dominate in the Czech Republic 239
Utility sector: retail competition has yet to bite in the Czech Republic 240
Metering: The Czech metering sector cover all utilities 242
Hungary 249
Conclusions: Pilot projects will determine whether smart metering will be multi-utility 249
Utility sector: Hungary has restructured and privatised its utility sector 250
Metering: Metering is the responsibility of the DNO in Hungary 252
Poland 259
Conclusions: Poland is a key target for smart metering vendors 259
Utility sector: Liberalisation has yet to spur meaningful retail competition 260
Metering: Polands electricity metering market is fully electronic 262
Former soviet union 268
Russia 272
Conclusions: Russia is a major opportunity for smart metering vendors 272
Utility sector: Russia has comprehensively restructured its electricity system 273
Metering: Russias local players have the largest market share 275
Middle East 281
Africa 285
South Africa 289
Conclusions: We expect South Africa to install smart meters for larger customers 289
Utility sector: Eskom manages most of South Africas electrical system 290
Metering: South Africa is the worlds largest pre-payment meter market 292
Asia Pacific 297
Australia 303
Conclusions: Managing Australias peak load is the key driver for smart metering 303
Utility sector: Australia has a fragmented retail market 304
Metering: A smart metering roll out is underway in Victoria 307
China 315
Conclusions: Even local manufacturers are struggling to make a profit 315
Utility sector: SGCC and SCG are the major DNOs in China 316
Metering: China has a large installed base of electricity and water meters 317
India 324
Conclusions: We expect AMI shipments to begin in earnest in 2011 324
Utility sector: Indias power sector is someway behind its BRIC counterparts 325
Metering: India has moved away from electro-mechanical metering 326
Data appendix 332
Argentina 332
Japan 336
South Korea 340
Austria 344
Belgium 348
Bulgaria 352
Estonia 356
Greece 360
Ireland 364
Latvia 368
Lithuania 372
Norway 376
Portugal 380
Romania 384
Slovakia 388
Slovenia 392
Switzerland 396
Turkey 400
United Arab Emirates 404
Israel 408
Ukraine 412
Kazakhstan 416
Uzbekistan 420
Methodology 424
Overall methodology 424
Calculating market size, segments and market value 424
Market shares 425
Market forecasts 425
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Global Prospects For Metering And Advanced Metering Infrastructure - Market Research Report Seattle