Global Market in the Cyber worldGo and Get It! by:Ray Smith

Share: With the Internet opening up the doorway to the global market
, everybody is up and running to reap the maximum benefit of this widely used medium. Not only has Internet gained importance as an important medium of communication but also has given a platform to thousands of people to nurture their entrepreneurship and realize their dreams of self-employment.
The designer community is the group that are harvesting the maximum benefit in this global market. To keep with the pace, every business concern, big or small, are putting in resources to create their cyber identity. They need websites for business, banners for advertisements, corporate logos to establish their brand identity and for all these they need designers.
Given this market scenario, and the advantage of having a global market in the cyber world, distance is no longer a factor for the right person, neither are companies concerned to assign there designing projects to people living a few thousand miles away from them.
From the perspective of a client, it is quiet natural to be a bit shaky and anxious about paying someone they would never see, to do something so important, that might affect the companies business. Going traditionally, most companies would like to work with employees working in front of them. However, these things will never be a factor, once you think of the benefits that you get out of it.
Internet allows you to look into the best design services available all across the world. You need not have to limit yourself to the designers in your own city, state or country but free to assign the project to anyone that you see fit, irrespective of the physical location of the person. You also save on cost, as you might find that there are many equally competent individuals providing wonderful designs at a much lower rate compared to some small business house attaching a big price tag for that work. But this is just one side of the coin. The designers are also happy with the situation. They are getting a global market to sell their service and some of them who are able to do a real good work are also developing good global reputation, seating at their home.
One other factor that I should definitely mention is that with the Asian countries like India, Japan, Singapore, all coming into this market with highly skilled workforce, it gets more easy for the advanced countries like USA and other European Countries to get their job done at a much lower price. These countries have designers who can compete, if not beat, the designers across the world in quality and definitely in price.
However, there are certain factors that any prospective client should consider before assigning a project to any designer over the Internet. The first thing to do is to check the portfolio of the person, if the designer has got a website, check the website, check the works that he has showcased in his portfolio section, you can also ask for a few references and cross check. These references definitely help you to determine the reputation of the designer. If they have been working for a while, they should be able to provide you with references from past clients, attesting to their professionalism, ability to complete the job and the quality of job done by them.
The next factor that you need to consider is the price that you are paying for your design work. Depending on the factor whether, your designer is a reputed designing firm or just a one-man designing company, you get to negotiate the price. Before you finally assign the project to the designer insist on a formal contract. With the advent of the Internet, most of the designers will not send you a snail mail but will be able to email a contract and once both of you agree to the terms and conditions you can definitely go ahead. Most professional company would use a form mail on their website where you can put in your order details and payment details and once the payment is processed they will start off with your work, while sending you an order confirmation mail.
To have a satisfactory design from any designing company, you need to remember it is the joint responsibility for the designing company and the client. The client should provide a proper brief for the project, what are the specifications, any concepts that they might like to utilize in the design. There should be proper communication flow between the two parties and the promptness of replies will definitely affect the time consumed on the project.
The Internet has given the small businesses and individual entrepreneurs an unbelievable opportunity to compete with the large firms in equal terms. At the same time it has thrown open a chance for the prospective clients to choose their service provider from the global market while paying the lowest possible price. Today any business, irrespective of its nature, should be aimed at the global market. So, do not limit yourself, go out and get the most of it !
About the author
Ray Smith is a marketing Expert with years of experience in different industries and specialized knowledge on branding and internet marketing.
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