Global Jackup Rig Market: An Analysis - Market Research Reports On Aarkstore Enterprise
The global Jackup rig market is all set to witness double digit growth rate over
the next few years fuelled by the increase in the global offshore exploration and production activity. The offshore exploration and production activity is growing as a result of rise in energy demand due to growing world population.
In 2009, global Jackup market has witnessed a decline breaking the upward trend it has witnessed since 2004. It witnessed a decline due to global economic crisis which resulted in recessionary conditions. The economic crisis has impacted the market in a big way as rig demand fell globally. It has resulted in decline in rig utilization rate to below 80% levels which has not happened in case of earlier economic crisis.
Going into 2010, the global Jackup market has stabilized and rig utilization rate has increased. But the market is still facing the challenge of excess rigs supply which is changing the market dynamics. It has resulted in fierce competition in the market. It is expected that complete market recovery will take some time but the market will become more challenging for the industry players.
The current report provides an in-depth analysis of the global Jackup rig market. The various drivers, opportunities and the challenges faced by the market are discussed in detail. The competitive aspect of the market is also highlighted and the key players are profiled with their strategies for this market.
By combining SPSS Inc.s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.
Table of Contents :
1. Global Offshore Market
1.1 Overview
1.2 Offshore Oil Exploration Cycle
1.3 Types of Offshore assets
1.3.1 Rigs
1.3.2 Support vessels
2. Global Jack-up Rig Market
2.1 Jackup Market Overview
2.2 Market Size
2.3 Jackup Market Segmentation
2.3.1. Segmentation by Geographic Regions
2.3.2 Segmentation by Jackups Rig types
2.4 Demand & Supply Scenario
2.4.1 Going into 2010
3. Market Movements
3.1 Trends
3.1.1 Global Jackups Net Fleet Growth
3.1.2 Utilization Rate
3.1.3 Jack-up Market supply & Demand Trend
3.2 Growth Drivers
3.2.1 Increase in Global Offshore Expenditure
3.2.2 Increasing Consumption & Production of Oil
3.2.3 Rising Oil Prices
3.2.4 Rising World Population
3.3 Challenges
3.3.1 Offshore cost inflation
3.3.2 Global Economic Conditions
3.3.3 Restrictive Regulatory Environment
4. Competitive Scenario
4.1 Global Jackup Market
4.1.1 Jackup Contractor Age and Spec Profiles
4.2 Gulf of Mexico Market
5. Company Profiles
5.1 Aban Offshore Ltd (AOL)
Company Overview
Business Strategies
Strengthening its Balance Sheet
Focus on Cash Flow Generation
5.2 Transocean
Company Overview
Business Strategies
Building Technologically Advanced Fleet
Focus on Developing Arctic Region Expertise
5.3 Seahawk Drilling
Company Overview
Business Strategies
Operational Strategy
Growth Strategy
5.4 China Oil Field Services
Company Overview
Business Strategies
Consolidate in Domestic Market
Enhancing Risk Management
Implementing Management System & Cost Control
Enhancing Technology Development
6. Forecasting
6.1 Market Forecast
6.2 Forecast Methodology
6.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables
6.2.2 Correlation Analysis
6.2.3 Regression Analysis
List of Tables
Jackup Market Segmentation by Rig-type, 2010
Jack-up Rig Day Rates by Rig Type, 2010
Global Jack-up Market Scenario, 2008-2010
Jackup Contractor Age and Spec Profiles, 2009
Dependent & Independent Variables, 2001 2009
Correlation Matrix
Model Summary Coefficient of Determination
Regression Coefficients Output
List of Figures
Global Rig Fleet, 2009
Global Jack-up Market by Value, 2004-2009
Global Jack-up Market by Volume, 2000 2009
Global Jack-ups Rigs Fleet by Region, 2010
Market Segmentation by Rig Type, 2010
Monthly Jack-up Market Supply & Demand Scenario, Dec 2009 May 2010
Global Jackup Net Fleet Growth, 2000-2012
Jackup Rigs Utilization Rate, 2002 2009
Jack-up Market Supply & Demand Trend, 2002-2009
Global Offshore Capital and Operating Expenditure, 2004-2013
Global Oil Consumption, 1998 - 2010E
Global Average Annual Brent Oil Price, 2000-2014
World Population, 2000-2008
Offshore Cost Inflation Index, 2000-2009
Top ten Players in Global Jackup Market, 2009
Gulf of Mexico Market Share, 2009
Gulf of Mexico Commodity Jackup Market Share, 2009
Aban offshore Revenue, 2005-2009
Transocean Revenue, 2005-2009
Seahawk Drilling Revenue, 2007-2009
China Oil Field Services Revenue, 2005-2009
Global Jackup Rigs Market Forecast, 2009-2013
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by: Aarkstore Enterprise
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