Global Convention, Colombo 2010: For Humanity, For Universal Brotherhood

Share: All eyes are set on the 19th and 20th of December
, 2010. It is on thesetwo dates that the Global Convention on Universal Brotherhood will betaking place. The momentous event is to be held in Colombo. Prominentscholars, philosophers and humanitarian thinkers will make their presence felt at the event. The importance of the convention to be asuccess is very much understood. This is even as reputed organizations like Sree Narayana Guru Society of Sri Lanka, Sree Narayana Dharma Sangham Trust, Sivagiri and S.N. Mandira Samiti, Mumbai are backing it up with absolute zeal and enthusiasm. As a humanitarian south Asian initiative, this peace summit is vital to maintain harmony between countries in the region. This may not be done any better than by simply reflecting and discussing the values, ideals and messages advocated by great enlightened beings like Lord Buddha and Sree Narayana Guru.
At a recent press conference held on the 24th of November, at Thiruvananthapuram, Swami Prakasananda, head of the Sivagiri Math and M.I. Damodaran, chairman of the Mandira Samiti spoke of all this at length. Their genuine intentions were very much visible in their tone of voice and expressive eyes.Thiruvananthapuram: Eminent thinkers and philosophers from around the world are expected to address a global convention on universal brotherhood to be held at Colombo on December 19 and 20 under the auspices of the Sree Narayana Guru Society of Sri Lanka, Sree Narayana Dharma Sangham Trust, Sivagiri and S.N. Mandira Samiti, Mumbai.
Addressing a press conference here on Wednesday, head of the Sivagiri Math Swami Prakasananda and chairman of the Mandira Samiti M.I. Damodaran said the discussions to be held at the convention would focus on the values, ideals and messages propounded by Lord Buddha and Sree Narayana Guru.
They said the event was being organised to commemorate the platinum jubilee of the Sree Narayana Guru Malayali Memorial Hall, Colombo, which was inaugurated in 1935 as a centre for inter faith harmony and promotion of cultural initiatives.
The event shall also celebrate platinum jubilee of the Sree Narayana Guru Malayali Memorial Hall, Colombo. The hall itself was established in 1935 as a centre for inter faith harmony and encouragement of cultural programs. This should also come as a breath of fresh air for the island nation of Sri Lanka which has borne witness to overwhelming violence for decades now. The first day of the convention will have deep thoughtful discussions between the compassionate thinkers present. The second day will have a special workshop to come up with an action plan for Sri Lankas socio-economic growth.
The action plan also comprises of other proposed activities. This includes Sri Lankan students getting exclusive scholarships to study in India. Among other things also plans to adopt a village, equipping it with environment friendly features for steady and continual growth. This apart, additional points covered were also to promote study of Indian languages in Sri Lanka and Sinhala in India accordingly.
by: oneritam
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Global Convention, Colombo 2010: For Humanity, For Universal Brotherhood Alagoa Nova