Global API Market will Sustain Considerable Growth in the Forecast Period

Share: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) Market to 2015 - Rise in the Generic and Biotech Sector will Sustain Growth
The report provides a detailed insight into the global Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) market. The research presents detailed analysis and forecasts of the major economic and market trends affecting the API markets in major regions of the world. The report contains market forecasts, product type analysis, drivers and restraints, analysis of the therapeutic categories and a market share analysis of the major producers in the important geographical markets of the world. In addition, it includes market forecasts, product type analysis and therapeutic categories analysis of the APIs in major countries of the world. Overall, the report presents a comprehensive analysis of the global API market covering all the major parameters. ( )
The Global API Market will Sustain Considerable Growth in the Forecast Period
Due to the impact of the economic slowdown, the global API market's growth has slowed down in the past two years. However, the worst is thought to be over for the pharmaceutical industry. The API market globally will witness significant growth in the next five years. The growth rates will be much higher in the developing countries such as China, India and Brazil than in the mature markets of the US, Germany and Italy. The strong growth in the generic drugs segment may enable the global API market to grow. The growing incidence of diseases more prevalent in the elderly and lifestyle diseases worldwide will sustain the global API market's growth rates. The global API market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.9% from 2010 to 2015.
Synthetic APIs Continue to Dominate the Global API Revenue
The global API market is dominated by synthetic APIs. The share of biotechnology APIs is small as the use of biotechnology in the pharmaceutical industry is a relatively new trend. With the growth in the biotechnology industry worldwide, the use of biological molecules in the pharmaceutical industry is growing. The increasing complexity of diseases also favours the growing trend demand of biotech drugs. Hence, the share of biotech APIs will increase significantly in the coming years.
The Innovator Sector is Increasingly Losing Market Share to the Generic Sector in the Global API Market
Generics are increasing their market share in the global API market as many innovator drugs are losing their patents in the regulated markets. Also, due to the impact of the global economic slowdown, the focus on innovation has reduced, giving way to the growth of generics. Generic drugs are also increasingly preferred because of their lower cost in comparison to the highly expensive innovator drugs. As a part of cost containment measures, the governments of many countries are encouraging the generic sector. Due to the emergence of a large number of generic API-producing companies and innovator companies venturing into the generic market, the generic sector API is set for high growth.
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Global API Market will Sustain Considerable Growth in the Forecast Period
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