Get Accurate Attendance Report Using Face Recognition System
Nowadays Time Attendance System is replacing the conventional process of using hand written pen and paper as well as the clock time
. This application, which is the most recent invention, can help your organizations main departments like Human Resource and the Finance department for the completion of their tedious work. It also helps in resolving all the shortcomings which one used to face with the former method.
Procedural Concept:
The application of biometrics is based on 'no human touch' technology. It is based on capturing of facial characteristics in a way so that later on the system can perform matching process onto it.
Get Yourself Captured:
In order to mark your daily presence in your office, get yourself enrolled once by the face recognition system. The respective person has to stand facing the camera and the camera will capture the necessary facial details. The details will be stored in the database of the computer, so that it can be retrieved at anytime.
Next time when the person will re-visit the same place, then as soon as the person will stand in front of the camera, the device will follow a matching algorithm to match the original image with the already stored patterns and will grant the permission.
Thus it saves the unnecessary paper work as well as employees precious time. It also helps the firm to save its annual budget. Using this time attendance system the various department gets proper knowledge of the employees presence, which in turn helps them to generate financial data, calculating leaves, arranging staff etc.
Are You Worried About Installation?
Face Recognition System based application time attendance system is very easy to install and use. Its installation requires the face recognition device, and a computer. The database can be at local terminal or at the remote end depending on the basic requirement.
When the picture is clicked by the device the required facial details are stored in the computer. The data can be used whenever required.
Do You Know?
The time attendance system captures multiple facial patters in order to serve you with best matching capability.
It requires very small space to get stored into the computer therefore one can store large volume of data.
It can capture multiple faces at the same time and process them individually.
It can tolerate certain facial movement up to an extent. That is, from frontal to different direction.
It can be clubbed with the payroll software for better generation of the payroll details.
There is still more!
Well, the number of benefits still remains. While working with time attendance system, one can get large number of advantages. Few of them are listed below:
It is the safest and fastest method of security.
This application requires one time installation charge.
Now, you are free from buddy punching.
It provides a facility for the central data management system.
A very cost effective method of recording the attendance.
All these factors are mainly responsible for this application to gain popularity in the global market. Enhance the productivity of your firm using Biometric time attendance system and carry forward yourself following the pathway of face recognition system into the global environment.
by: Jhon Waugh
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