Fixing the Economy by thinking Local
Fixing the Economy by thinking Local
Fixing the Economy by thinking Local
Fixing the Economy by thinking Local
Terrance H. Booth, Sr. Tsimshian Tribe
All one has to do is follow the money on paying your bills much of the dollars you expend goes elsewhere and does not stay in your state or hometown or city. Example, say your pay your car insurance and if you see where you are sending your payment notice that it goes to another state? Notice your banking account well your bank may be headquartered in another state. Notice your mortgage payments well that too goes to another state. Your grocery store well that too is headquartered in another state. Your favorite retail store for clothes, electronics, shoes; well, that too is in another state. You rent a car well like other businesses their headquarters are usually in other states. Buying a car? Well their headquarters is another state. Buy gas for your vehicle; still again, gas station headquarters is in another state. Are items supposedly American products really "Made in America" products? Some States like Oregon has made in Oregon Products.
So we can see that with no dollars staying in our communities is a making of a poor economy. Economies are built upon dollars spent within a community; thus the making of a health economy for your community. Only dollars that stay within a community are employees of these out of state companies. Even then their spending supports out of state spending.
What are some of the innovations taking place in America to address the local economies: Look at The Center for Community-Based Enterprise, Inc. (C2BE) and its mission: The Center for Community-Based Enterprise, Inc. (C2BE) supports and connects entrepreneurs, community and resources to grow "community-based enterprises" (CBEs): companies that are sustainable; locally-rooted; intentionally structured to provide community benefit; and committed to paying living wages.
v Find, support, connect and scale-up local community-based enterprises (CBEs).
v Catalyze collaboration across all strata of the community to create new products and jobs
v Help non-traditional entrepreneurs create or expand businesses.
v Identify growing market niches using Metro Detroit's unique skills, technology and untapped intellectual property resources and help local CBEs exploit them.
This definitely brings the local economy to the local level and with local companies with their consumers buying local. With this is the ability to strength the local economy by establishing local businesses by people of their own local communities. Right from their own local level they are making their own local products. This brings to the local communities an improvement financially when one spends in local community and the company they buying from are local and this keeps the dollars in their community instead of going elsewhere.
So we do have examples of doing business locally next time you renew your car insurance find a local company of your community that is owned by member of your community and is headquartered and licensed within your own states. Thus, spending your hard earned money within your community and you start to see your economy grow.
For Arizona residents wanting to shift the Arizona economy to the good there is Local First Arizona listing all the locally own businesses of Arizona. Let's shift the economy!!! Find what is in your state online.
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