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Finance Operations Manager

Finance is perhaps the only thing that makes companys look for other innovative ideas

and take suitable cost cutting measures! Jokes apart, it is the Finance Operations Managers job which is the most important after the directors position. No wonder CFOs earn more than CEOs!

What will be your role as a Finance Operations Manager in the company?

Integrate Finances: One of the most important jobs after youre handed over the baton to the position is to make sure that the companys spending is optimum and not more than its budget. For this you need to get hold of every area that the company earns revenue from and then integrate the accounts.

One of the many frustrating parts of the same job is that even if you show that the company is spending an optimum amount on operations, you will be asked to lower the costs!

Forecast: Do not for once think that it was only the job of the weather guys to forecast and predict weather it is the job of a Finance Operations Manager too! You need to be confident with your basic skill set and show that you can really contribute to the companys growth.

You will be asked to make quarterly, semi-annually and annual financial forecasts. One of the main drawbacks of this job is that it is harder to keep your boss happy!

Inventory: For a successful operations environment, the company makes sure that it has the best cost-cutting measures and the best inventory too! Without its inventory, the company is like armor without the bullets! Maintaining inventory levels is another part of the job that you have to undertake as a finance operations manager.

Relationship: Now what does public relation mean for a person who has been playing with thick books of accounts and similar stuff? He is expected to stay behind the desks and pour over books and epics of finance. Not anymore the current global business scenario has made it compulsory that even the least seen person on the job is to maintain a healthy relation with other businesses and corporate giants.

Responsibility: As the post and the position of the finance operations manager are high, so are the responsibilities. If youre a person who shies away from responsibility, this job is not for you. For every profit or loss, youre as accountable as your sub-ordinates and juniors. The worst part is that your seniors may completely push the responsibility on your shoulders when it comes to being accountable for a loss! And they may take the credit when there is a profit.

It is you who has to decide what to do and how to perform it optimally - when you have been assigned with the job of a finance operations manager.

by: Silas Reed
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