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Facebook Stupid Business Move Of The Week

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg made a speech at the Nielsen Consumer 360 forum of late indicating that email is most likely going away.

Her reason was as follows, in consumer tech, if you want to be aware of what people like us will do tomorrow, you look at what young people are doing right now, and the most recent statistics reveal that just 10% of young people use email.

Thus Sheryl is telling us that more adolescents are on Facebook and so, in the future, all adults will be using Facebook.


There is little basis in reality for this logic.

For example, in the year 2000, adolescents starting buying ipods therefore, all adults in the future will be on ipods therefore you must consider Apple as especially a precious business at the present for the reason that one day, all adults are going to be Apple customers.

That is hazy reasoning at best. Who is to say that these same teenagers will be interested in Apple in 10 or 17 years? The planet is not inert, specially tech. This other business can in all probability come out with something even better which makes ipods outdated this many years from now. Moreover if ipods are still around in 16 or 21 years from now, who can proclaim that human psychology does not prescribe that a certain percentage of teenagers outgrow them as they mature, change, partake of more burden and responsibilities on their life like working for groceries and refuge for a spouse or a kid.

This logic is a huge mound of dung that COO Sheryl Sandberg freely stepped into by her own actions.

Although it becomes even dumber.

A new marketing survey tells us that youth are actually leaving Facebook for three reasons: 1 - youth are no longer using Facebook because their parents are there now, 2 - for the reason that there are too many adult people nearby, and 3 - they are apprehensive about secrecy.

Therefore following COO Sheryl Sandberg's reasoning, Facebook is in trouble for the reason that youth are starting to make use of it less.

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg was seeking to build up the value of Facebook in peoples minds by means of her logic of watch what adolescence are doing in our day, however what she ended up doing was reaching too far and stepping onto a oily incline that has opened the door for criticism.

Just what does COO Sheryl Sandberg have to say about this recent marketing survey of teens that shows their use is going down? She's ran off comparable to a dog with its tail between its hind legs.

And so that is the reason why Facebook and COO Sheryl Sandberg get this week's stupid business move of the week honor.

facebook is stupid

by: Sam Nielson
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Facebook Stupid Business Move Of The Week Columbus