Extensive Research And Rational Analysis Of The Global Biofuel Industry
Global Biofuel Market Analysis
Global Biofuel Market Analysis
The global biofuel industry has been witnessing sustainable growth and developments for the past few years in the backdrop of depleting fossil fuels and degradation of environmental conditions. Therefore, many economies have turned their attention towards biofuels. Many countries are supporting the biofuel industry in the form of subsidies and tax incentives which keep the biofuel producing companies profitable. Many governments have implemented mandatory biofuel blend with the conventional fuel to increase its demand. ( http://www.bharatbook.com/detail.asp?id=102089&rt=Global-Biofuel-Market-Analysis.html )
According to our new research report Global Biofuel Market Analysis, the global production of ethanol and biodiesel is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 8% and around 15.5% respectively during 2010-2013. The prospective growth in ethanol and biodiesel production depends on several factors that have been thoroughly discussed in the report.
We have also found that the American region, mainly the US, Brazil and Canada, has been driving the global ethanol industry. The region accounts for around 90% of the total global ethanol production. On the other hand, the EU is the leading biodiesel producer. It accounts for around 60% of the total global biodiesel production.
We have also studied growth prospects of the biofuel industry in the developing countries. Asia Pacific has an enormous potential in the field of biofuel production due to cheap availability of feedstock. The countries covered in the Asia Pacific section include Australia, Thailand, Japan, India, China and Indonesia. All the countries have shown great interest in raising the production of biofuels in order to use them as alternatives of conventional energy sources.
Global Biofuel Market Analysis provides an extensive research and rational analysis of the global biofuel industry and its different segments. It gives a deep insight into the regional trends prevailing across the globe. Analysis and statistics regarding the market size, growth, regional segmentation, and trends in technology developments have been thoroughly studied in the report to provide clients a comprehensive overview of the biofuel industry.
In addition, the report contains information about government support, biofuel distribution issues and cost analysis to help clients formulate appropriate strategies for the expansion of business in untapped markets. The report also gives brief information about the second generation biofuels, which will raise the production capacity per acre land, along with their social and environmental benefits.
To know more and to buy a copy of your report feel free to visit : http://www.bharatbook.com/detail.asp?id=102089&rt=Global-Biofuel-Market-Analysis.html
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