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Establish Yourself As A Beauty Industry Expert

Most clients want to do business with people they perceive as experts; it's in our nature as human beings

. The words of a credible third party count a lot and give us a sense of comfort that we're making the right decision.

By understanding customers think this way, it goes without saying you've got to position yourself as an expert in your marketplace--moreover, a big fish in a small pond. Exactly how do you position yourself and your business as the expert in your local market?

First, recognize you know more about the salon or spa business and all that it entails than your clients do. Next, take that knowledge you have and expand it to the highest level possible.

How do you do that? Research. In other words, do your homework because you will want to backup what you say. Having this deep knowledge will give you a higher level of confidence and confidence, even more than the message itself, is what attracts people to you.

Next, turn your information into communications that'll reach your local market. By doing this, you're informing your local market of something that's valuable to them-information that'll benefit them in some way.

Remember, not establishing your expertise is the same as not telling people how great you and your business are. By educating your target audience, they'll understand things the way they've never understood them before, thus establishing you as the expert.

Here are six surefire ways to become the leading expert in your local market:

1. Read everything you can get your hands on about industry trends, developments, and forecasts. Make sure you subscribe to the trade magazines and visit their websites and blogs.

2. Work with a ghostwriter to create a booklet or report. Use this report on your website and as a promotional piece for the press. Put a price on the booklet and give them to a strategy ally who can sell it and keep the proceeds.

3. Create a special report specifically designed for a local group. For example, design a special "Dress for Success" report for a local businesswoman's group or chamber of commerce. Let them sell the report and keep the proceeds.

4. Put on seminars throughout your market. Collaborate with strategic allies (reference Constructive Cross Promotion).

5. Purchase radio time or ad space in local newspapers or magazines.

6. Send out press releases continually to local magazines, newspapers, and websites.

Use one or a combination of these tried and true local marketing tools. They'll give you and your business the boost you've been looking for!

by: Bert Carder
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Establish Yourself As A Beauty Industry Expert