Enjoy All The Best In Life With Secured Loans And Remortgages.
It costs a lot of money simply to survive these days.
At the end of the month, before pay day, many people have not a great deal of money left in their wallet or their bank account that they could spend on the nice things in life, such as a good holiday, visits to restaurants that serve delicious first class food, etc.
Then there is the money that you could make use of to carry out home improvements to your own little nest.
Your home is your castle, where you feel that you can pull up the draw bridge, and be safe from the problems and difficulties of the outside world.
It is the ultimate ambition of most people, to make their house as luxurious and comfortable as they can.
Everyone wants their home to be as nice as it can be.
Watching the World Cup football games on television from South Africa, you dream that next time, you would like to see all the games up close and personal However, you know that paying for flights, hotels and dining out in restaurants for a few weeks is outwith your budget.
Your son has just returned from a school trip to Italy, which only cost a few hundred pounds for the one person, and the accommodation that he stayed in was pretty basic one star hotels.
He was o delighted at all the wonderful places that he visited that you want to make the same trip with your wife and three kids.
Your son described to you the elegance of Milan, the splendour and beauty of Rome and the magnificent scenery of the Bay of Naples, including his trip from Sorrento to the famous Isle Of Capri with the unique Blue Grotta.
It is great to make the most of life, and you can by using your income in a better way.
This can be done by arranging a secured loan or a remortgage, providing that you own your home.
A secured loan and a remortgage are both kinds of home loans that require to be secured by an asset.
Their interest rates are cheap, beginning at present at 1.84% for a remortgage and from about 9% for secured loans.
These two home loans are available at equity margins of up to 85% for secured loans, if the borrower is employed, and at 75% for self employed applicants.
It is possible to obtain a remortgage at 90% loan to value, but the repayments will be higher.84% at 60% LTV, and may cost in the region of 6% which still makes these remortgages cheap ways of borrowing.
At the time of taking out a remortgage or a secured loan, you should also think about debt consolidation. and save you a lot of money, leaving you with even more cash to enjoy yourself.
by: Liz Moir
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Enjoy All The Best In Life With Secured Loans And Remortgages.