Since the development of an e-commerce website involves a lot of complexity and especially
with e-commerce shopping cart and payment gateway that the customers experience is many a times considered in the second place. This results into several problems for the e-commerce trader as the site would receive huge number of visitors but will not be able to convert them into customers. Here are few common mistakes that the e-commerce traders make regarding the usability of their website.
Firstly, have the shopping cart that works properly as per your business. Merely having a shopping cart that has checkout and can complete the purchase is not enough for a prospective buyer. The checkout should have several functions that allow the visitor to make purchase choices easily. They should be able to delete the item, edit or add the item of their like in the ecommerce shopping cart. So make sure that your shopping cart does not have merely a functional quality but also provides its user with pleasant shopping experience.
Another important feature that an ideal e-commerce website must possess is to have complete security of transactions. Having an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is very crucial for all e-commerce traders. It is basically a certificate that assures the customer about the security of their personal information that they share on your website. A customer needs to share important details such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and so on while purchasing online.
Having an easy to use shopping cart with smooth checkout process helps you to earn more money. If the shopping cart is made in a too much complex way then it confuses the user and therefore, drives them away from your website. So make sure that your ecommerce shopping cart has all the proper functionality but at the same time it should be easy to use. Also, you must keep in mind that the checkout process page and payment should be carried out in a single page only for the comfort of the user.