Have you ever realized that it is extremely difficult to earn money the way you want it. I mean look at artists and what they do. It is in this area that they must draw perfect and sell thier peace of art. Thier peice of art is their salary. Likewise in a business, unless you already have billions of customers you will need a strong customer base. The customers bring money or revenue to your business and this result in you recieving your paycheck or commisions. I have just come to my senses that is very difficult to earn a lot of money. All this hype about google adsense making $500 a day to some people is just a pure lie. To me it is a lie because anyone starting out in the computer or internet business should know that it takes lots of time to begin making money from ads. $500 a day is just not possible with one days of work.
I thought I'd write to let you guys know that earning money without a well paying job is difficult. It requires countless hours of research and applying ones skills to a specific area of expertise. I honestly can say that I have earned little or close to nothing on this blog with the ads on the top and on the left. But I am not giving up yet, Because the more you invest into something the more it will continue to give great returns. I want to know your guys opinion on earning money on the side..Is it always this hard without a job? Comment please...Thank you!