Divorce Lawyer Portland: Divorce is the legal termination of a marriage
. The bonds of matrimony are in effect dissolved when a divorce is finalized by the court. Divorce lawyers for both sides will assist the parties in reaching a settlement regarding the divorce. The division of property, child custody and support issues and other financial issues will be addressed and an agreement will be reached under the law.
Once a couple is divorce, they are no longer legally bonded together. Every state followings certain laws as to what grounds a couple can file for divorce. Divorce also comes in different categories. There is a No Fault divorces were neither party blames the other for the cause of the divorce. The court may still consider any actions taken by either party that places them in a bad light. This may affect the outcome of the divorce as far as the distribution of assets.
After the divorce case is heard in court and the distribution of property and all other issues have been resolved. The court will finalize the divorce and the couple will no longer be considered married. In cases were the couple may have had contractual certain agreements before the marriage, such as a pre-nup, this will be heard and honored by the court.
If there are no special legal agreements in the marriage then the court will make all final decisions. A contested divorce is when one party does not agree to an action of the divorce. This leads to both parties having their sides heard in court. Contested divorces are typically stressful on both parties and can accumulate a lot of expenses.
To avoid adversarial situations, many couples go to divorce mediation. This avoids the all of the legal costs involved in a contested divorce. There is also such a thing as a collaborative divorce, where both parties negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution to their divorce.
Statistics reveal that most divorces are uncontested and their is no need for either side to fight for what they want in the divorce. Divorce lawyers are still very helpful in an uncontested divorce. They make sure you make all the correct filings and the can advise you on the best way to proceed with the divorce. Having a divorce lawyer is a good idea when considering divorce. It is important to have someone that understands the laws looking out for your best interests.
Hiring a divorce lawyer Portland is a good idea when you are in the middle of a contested divorce. Usually in a contested divorce, a lot of the contention will revolve around financial matters. The court will have to decide on how to distribute the assets in a manner that is fair.