Dibzees' Strategeez

Share: Author: Casey Everts
Author: Casey Everts
So you think you might be interested in the Dibzees madness, but not quite sure what you're getting into? Or maybe you've dabbled, but you're beginning to think winning is all luck because you haven't won anything with your first few bids? Well, you're wrong. Don't believe us? Try these pro tips to increase your chances of winnings and watch your winnings start pouring in... Get Schooled... Watch some live auctions as they near closing, browse the closed auctions and find the least busy nights (hint: we have the data, and right now those days are Fridays and Saturdays). Plan your bidding accordingly and get to know which other bidders are tough to beat.
Rookies... If you're still new to the site, take it easy on your first couple auctions. After purchasing your first package of bids try targeting low value items or small "free bid" packages. You will have a better chance getting your feet wet with those as opposed to jumping into a featured auction with the big dogs.
The Conservative Route... Let the others do the bidding and then place your bids a few seconds before the timer hits zero each time. You must have the patience for a drawn out auction and be sure to bid in time or the auction can slip away. By bidding just before the clock ticks down to zero you will make your bids last longer and increase your chances of winning. BE CAREFUL though, waiting too long could result in your bid going uncounted. We recommend bidding no later than 3 seconds remaining. This will usually ensure your bid registers. While this method may not offer the same chance at rewards as the aggressive approach (below), it is also less risky and let's you play the role of spoiler against those aggressive users everyone loathes. Be Aggressive... Scare your opponents off by outbidding everyone as soon as they place a bid. You will intimidate the other bidders by making it seem like you have an endless supply of bids and money ain't a thang. You must be determined and fully committed to winning the auction at seemingly any cost. Send the message that you will be the last bidder standing. Eventually the others will get psyched out by your antics and begin to drop like flies. Before long bidders across the nation will be muttering your user name under their breath, possibly accompanied with some expletives. You laugh your way to the proverbial bank. Knock their dibz in the dirt!
Bid Early... Break the ice, dare to be the first bidder. Many auctions slip by and end at just a penny or a few cents. It is a mistake to assume that bidding long before an auction closes is a waste of bids. This strategy may not always work but it is a small investment that can prove to be extremely rewarding. Just take a look at our
closed auction and see how many auctions have closed at less than a nickel! Try any of the above strategies or perhaps a combination of more than one. Over time you'll learn to find your way. Whatever strategy you make yours we wish you the best of luck and remind you to bid responsibly.
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